这一版本是早期Thirring的两卷经典物理学——经典动力系统和经典场论的结合,无数事例和言论以及随同文字,很适合作为物理、数学、与应用数学专业学生的教科书。 经典动力系统的是通过对流形的分析来提供数学工具,讨论哈密顿系统典型变换、常数议案、摄动理论、粒子的非相对论运动、电磁场和引力场中的相对论运动,而且这些问题讨论地相当详细。经典场论始终是用微分几何的语言来讲述的,麦克斯韦和爱因斯坦方程部分紧凑而清晰,初学者很容易理解。该书还收录了已知电荷分布的电磁场和导体中的电磁场,探讨了爱因斯坦方程的最大对称空间和最大对称子流形空间的解。最后将所得的结论运用于恒星的生命和死亡作为本卷书的结束。 本书为全英文版。
Preface to the Third EditionPreface to the Second Edition: Classical Dynamical SystemsPreface to the Second Edition: Classical Field TheoryPreface to the First EditionNote About the TranslationGlossarySymbols Defined in the TextPart I Classical Dynamical Systems 1 Introduction 1.1 Equations of Motion 1.2 The Mathematical Language 1.3 The Physical Interpretation. 2 Analysis on Manifolds 2.1 Manifolds 2.2 Tangent Spaces 2.3 Flows 2.4 Tensors 2.5 Differentiation 2.6 Integrals 3 Hamiltonian Systems 3.1 Canonical Transformations 3.2 Hamilton's Equations 3.3 Constants of Motion 3.4 The Limit t-t-oo 3.5 Perturbation Theory: Preliminaries 3.6 Perturbation Theory: The Iteration 4 Nonrelativistic Motion 4.1 Free Particles 4.2 The Two-Body Problem 4.3 The Problem of Two Centers of Force 4.4 The Restricted Three-Body Problem 4.5 The N-Body Problem 5 Relativistic Motion 5.1 The Hamiltonian Formulation of the Electrodynamic Equations of Motion 5.2 The Constant Field 5.3 The Coulomb Field 5.4 The Betatron 5.5 The Traveling Plane Disturbance 5.6 Relativistic Motion in a Gravitational Field 5.7 Motion in the Schwarzschild Field 5.8 Motion in a Gravitational Plane Wave 6 The Structure of Space and Time 6.1 The Homogeneous Universe 6.2 The Isotropic Universe 6.3 Me According to Galileo 6.4 Me as Minkowski Space 6.5 Me as a Pseudo-Riemannian SpacePart II Classical Field Theory 7 Introduction to Classical Field Theory 7.1 Physical Aspects of Field Dynamics 7.2 The Mathematical Formalism 7.3 Maxwell's and Einstein's Equations 8 The Electromagnetic Field of a Known Charge Distribution 9 The Field in the Presence of Conductors 10 GravitationBibliographyIndex
物理几何是一家 共同携手到天涯