《中学英语最易混淆的词汇》是一本与现行中学英语教材配套的教学,又是一本为中学生编写的备考用书。 在英语学习中,学生对很多单词、短语或词组在音、形、义等方面容易混淆,常常造成词语的张冠李戴、混淆不清。编写本书的目的在于对教材中的同义、近义词汇作出比较详尽的辨析,为广大师生提供一本实用的参考书。 本书紧扣教材和中学英语教学大纲以及中高考词汇表编写,收录了学生容易混淆的考试中比较容易出现的300多个辨析条目。与其他类似词典相比,本书具有如下显著特点: 1.实用性 本书除了通常收录的同类词语外,还把一些不太规范,但一般中学生容易混淆的、不同词性的词语收为新的词条加以辨析。 此外,本书还有实用的温馨小提示,可以让你更全面地掌握英语中常用易混词语的区别,轻松地攻破英语学习中的难关! 2.针对性 这本词典的另一个特点是其针对性。词典中所列词条都是从中学英语教学大纲以及中高考词汇表中精选出来的,更重要的是在词语的辨析上,作者颇费心思,从备考的角度,以简明扼要的理论指导和大量的举例论证,从词性、词义及搭配上说明了每组词的异同,决无模棱两可的感觉。另外,本书对源于中高考词汇表的词汇加以更多、更细的注解和比较鉴别。其中某些条目的辨析略有加深,以利于优秀学生的能力发展。 3.便捷性 为方便查阅,本书除目录外,还附有索引。目录与索引均按首字母顺序排列。各辨析条目中的词语一般按首字母顺序排列,若既有单词又有短语,则单词在前,短语在后。
A a, an, one a bit, a little ability, capacity able, capable about, around, round about, on above, on, over above all, after all accept, receive accident, incident, event accuse, charge ache, pain acquire, gain, get, obtain, win across, over, through admit, allow, let, permit, promise advise, persuade, suggest affect, effect, influence after, behind ago, before alike, like, likely alive, live, lively, living all, both all, whole All right. That' s all right. That' s right. allow/permit sb. to do sth. , promise sb. to do sth almost, nearly alone, lonely aloud, loud, loudly already, all ready already, yet, still also, too, either although, though altogether, all together among, between announce, declare another, the other answer, reply anxious, eager anxious, nervous any, some anyone, any one anything but, nothing but anywhere, everywhere appear, look, seem appreciate, enjoy argue, quarrel arrest, catch, capture arrive, get, reach as, because, since, for as, like as, when, while ask, demand, request, require asleep, sleeping ……BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW