

Sarah jones-Macziola and Greg White 华夏出版社





Sarah jones-Macziola and Greg White  


本书是英国剑桥大学考试委员会指定的BECI考试的学习教材,原书名为《Getting Ahead》(Learnet's Book)。该书内容覆盖商务活动的各个方面,对公司接街客户、公司自我介绍、商务合人洽淡、各种商务文件书写体例、各类商务通讯(电话、电传、书信)等语言规范都给出了清晰实用的范例。在学习商务规范语言的同时也学到了基本的商务知识。全书是按50~70个课时设计的,分16个主要单元


Unit 1 Introductions and greetings
1.1 introducing yourself
1.2 Saying where you're from
1.3 introducing other people
Unit 2 Occupations
2.1 Saying what you do
2.2 Telephoning
2.3 Finding out information about people
Unit 3 Companies
3.1 Describing a company
3.2 Talking about types of business
3.3 Finding the perfect partner
Unit 4 The place of work
4.1 Giving directions
4.2 Talking about departments
4.3 Taking a message
Unit 5 Revision and consolidation
Unit 6 Day-to-day work
6.1 Talking about your work
6.2 Describing routines
6.3 Likes and dislikes
Unit 7 The working environment
7.1 Asking people to do things
7.2 Talking about stress
7.3 Giving advice
Unit 8 Plans
8.1 Discussing arrangements
8.2 Making appointments
8.3 Planning a trip
Unit 9 Visits and travel
9.1 Talking to a visitor
9.2 Attending business events
9.3 Reserving a hotel room
Unit lO Revision and consolidation
Unit11 Workhistory
11.1 Finding someone a JOb
11.2 Talking about your career
11.3 Describing your first job
Unit 12 Fairs and sales
12.1 Finding out about a trade fair
12.2 Talking about products
12.3 Placing an order
Unit 13 Product description
13.1 Comparing products
13.2 Saying what's best
13.3 Making suggestions
Unit 14 Entertaining
14.1 Taking a guest to dinner
14.2 Making invitations
14.3 Describing food
Unit 15 Revision and consolidation
Unit 16 Firms and factories
16.1 Visiting a factory
16.2 Saying what you've done
16.3 The company report
Unit 17 The Business Pleasure Trip
17.1 Finding out about a city
17.2 Making offers
17.3 Thanking
Unit 18 Problems, problems
18.1 Dealing with problems
18.2Complaining and apologizing
18.3 Finding a solution
Unit 19 Future trends
19.1 Making predictions
19.2 Talking about the future
19.3 Changing the way we work
Unit 20 Revision and consolidation
Wordlist with phonetictranscription




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