英语学习是通过整合、加工和处理语言信息的过程来实现的。阅读和听力是人们接受语言信息的重要途径,而良好的听力水平是人们语言交际的重要前提。在实际生活中,由于语言学习者往往无法控制所听语言材料的语速、语言清晰度以及说话人的言语表达特点,因此,对于一些语言学习者来说,要做到在有限的时间内准确地理解并掌握说话人的意思是一项具有相当难度的学习任务。听的能力不仅与听的技巧及其熟练程度直接相关,而且与听者的说、读、写的语言能力、文化知识以及思维能力等都有密切的关系。提高听力的过程是-个不断掌握技巧、丰富社会文化背景知识,同时锻炼分析归纳能力、推理判断能力的综合性训练和实践过程。在各种各样的听力素材中,英语新闻因为其内容广泛、难度层次明晰、发音标准等特点,而受到广大英语学习者和爱好者的喜爱,收听英语新闻是提高听力能力的-个重要手段。 练好英语听力,其实并无捷径可走,只有经常听、反复听。《新闻英语听力大突破》正是为迎合广大英语学习者和爱好者的这种需要而特别奉献,其核心就是突破、突破、再突破。本套丛书所有听力内容素材均来自于国外著名电台、电视台的每日新闻播报和英语学习栏目,新闻内容涉及政治、经济、娱乐、体育、科技等方面,篇幅长短适中,鲜活生动、丰富有趣。丛书的语音文件均来自著名电台或电视广播的原汁原味的新闻报道,让您在锻炼听力的同时,还可以领略世界的精彩,了解国际上发生的重大事件,紧跟时代脉搏。
本书将收听和阅读融为一体,内容新颖。本书选取人际交往、生活方式、体育运动等众多热点话题,轻松休闲;附带的语音素材均为近年来主要英语国家各大新闻媒体,如BBC,VOA,CNN等公开播放的内容。本书将英语学习与休闲时尚相结合,为英语学习者和爱好者练习听力、感受时尚前沿信息,提供了一种综合性、趣味性的学习方式。 本书适合语言学习者作为提高听力、锻炼听力的必备书,也可作为在校大学生的听力素材参考书。
丛书序前言 伦敦时装时尚回归 宜家品位简约不贵 运动服时装化 牛仔风尚长盛不衰 护肤养颜美在外面 美学内涵受质疑 家庭手工催生新经济美国新-代“地图盲” 英国假日 网上购物 造小船做大事 细品茶文化 海边去度假 酒馆 肥皂剧 电视的新功能 更加长寿的美国人 网络新生活 冬季忧郁症 探险之旅 风筝冲浪 圣地亚哥动物园 海鲜益健康 给予 尽享快乐野餐好友总难忘 友谊日 我所遇到的义犬 母亲节 父亲节 浓情旧金山 速配爱情 命运号 情人节 现代英国家庭 圣诞必备玩具礼物 自立门户网言网语 自信演讲展风采 商业礼节异同 北京奥运门票开始发售 奥运拳击选拔赛 备战奥运 奥运集训中心 “铁人”退休后 在中国 美国橄榄球联盟赛登陆欧洲 2014冬奥会花落索契 贝克汉姆美国揭幕战 美国勇夺网球戴维斯杯 女飞人嗑药丑闻百年环法越来越“兴奋” 健美者 赛艇对抗赛 伦敦马拉松 美国女足老将出马 苏格兰高地运动 英国马术 期待英国重要赛事瞄准世界杯
Meet the people behind one of Europes more unusual fashion houses.Stan Smith, Chuck Taylor and Air Jordan, some say these trainers are nowtranscending sport, and entering the realm of pop art. "They are such a part ofculture now, they are those who revere certain products as icons." Okay, so thisexhibition is taking place at a shoe store and not the Pompidou center. Butathletic shoemakers are working to earn their design credentials. Instead ofburly footballers, slender models are sporting Adidas trainers. ADIDAS CEO: "Adidas is known as a great functional brand, alwaysdelivering the best functional sports products. On top of that, its no longenough just to have the basic colors and so on, things like that. Its reallyimportant for us also to deliver great designs, inspirational designs." REPORTER: To achieve that, Adidas has entered into partnership withJapanese designer Yoji Yamamoto. FASHION MAGAZINE EDITOR: "Its such an unlikely marriage,because Yoji is kind of considered to be one of the most avant-garde designersin the world. And also, the last person you really think of to be associated withsports wear. And Adidas had such a sort of, kind of very very high profile in thesports. Kind of media generally. So to put the two together is some quitebizarre." REPORTER: Bizarre perhaps, but also increasingly common. CompetitorPuma has also teamed up with Joe Sander to deliver a high-end trainer. ButAdidas isnt just depending on name designers to increase its style points. Thecompany is pushing its clothing out of sporting good stores and into fashionboutiques. The classic Adidas tracksuit had a prominent place in the quirky film "The Royal Tennenbaums". And sales of this retro clothing line had contributed 15% to the companys revenues. But fashion still remains on the fringes. GERMAN GUY: "On the outside of the shoe, you got his name stitched on, Beckham, the back is the British flag, on the insole of the shoe, you got his number, 7. Here on the tongue, the top, the name of his son has been stitched on."