王晓军 著
自2005年全国大学英语四、六级考试改革项目组和全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会制定了((全国大学英语四、六级考试改革方案(试行)》以来,四、六级改革按照预定的进程稳步推进。2006年6月在全国180所试点院校进行的四级新题型试测、2006年12月在全国高校范围内实施的第一次四级新题型考试。六级考试改革紧跟其后,2006年12月在全国180所试点院校进行了六级新题型试测、2007年6月在全国高校范围内实施大学英语六级新题型考试,至此在完成了改革最初的阵痛之后四、六级改革终于全新登场。 它的亮相使众多学子在终于摆脱合格证这个曾经挥之不去的梦魇之后,其心情可谓欣然。然而喜悦之余,我们更要进一步的叩问:改革后的四、六级意味着什么?是“两耳不闻英语事,一心只读专业书”,从此与艰苦的英语学习一刀两断?在对外交流日益广泛,英语人才极其匮乏的今天,答案定是非然。纵观新四、六级考卷,整体感觉是在变化与不变之间寻找一个平衡点。
代丛书总序前言第一章 快速阅读题型解析第二章 快速阅读练习第三章 汉译英题型解析第四章 汉译英专项突破第五章 汉译英练习第六章 长对话题型解析第七章 长对话练习第八章 选词填空题型解析第九章 选词填空练习附录 答案与解析
In a lecture on capitalism and socialism, for example, Melendres asked theteacher how the Chinese economy could be both socialist and market-driven,without incurring some of the problems that befell the former Soviet Union. "I dontwant to memorize information for tests only," says Melendres. "Better grades comefrom better understanding." Study together. The value of hitting the books together was demonstrated in anexperiment at the University of California at Berkeley. While a graduate studentthere, Uri Treisman observed a freshman calculus class in which Asian-Americans,on average, scored higher than other minority students from similar academicbackgrounds. Treisman found that the Asian-Americans discussed homeworkproblems together, tried different approaches and explained their solutions to oneanother. The others, by contrast, studied alone, spent most of their time reading andrereading the text, and tried the same approach time after time even if it wasunsuccessful. On the basis of his findings, Treisman suggested teaching group——study methods in the course. Once that was done, the groups performed equallywell. Test yourself. As part of her note-taking, Roman highlights points she thinksmay be covered during exams. Later she frames tentative test questions based onthose points and gives herself a written examination before test day. "If I cantanswer the question satisfactorily, I go back and review," she says. Experts confirm what Roman has figured out for herself. Students who makeup possible test questions often find many of the same questions on the real examand thus score higher. Do more than youre asked. If her math teacher assigns five problems, ChristiAnderson does ten. If the world-history teacher assigns eight pages of reading, shereads 12. "Part of learning is practicing," says Anderson. "And the more youpractice, the more you learn." The most important "secret" of the super-achievers is not so secret. Foralmost all straight-A students, the contribution of their parents was crucial.From infancy, the parents imbued them with a love for learning. They set highstandards for their kids, and held them to those standards. They encouraged theirsons and daughters in their studies but did not do the work for them.