王占礼,吴万千,刘宁 主编
本书是根据青岛远洋船员学院船舶工程技术专业教学大纲的要求,并结合中远船务工程集团有限公司船舶修理工作实际而编写的专业英语阅读教材。全书由船体、船机、船舶修理规范、附录四部分组成,对船体基本结构和维修、船机构造、原理和修船标准及规范等进行了介绍,内容上涵盖了修船主要业务。 本书力求兼顾课堂教学之系统性与企业培训之实用性。每课选材典型,覆盖面广。但限于篇幅,有些内容无法纳入课文部分,则以阅读材料辅之;课文和阅读材料都未涵盖,而又属修船常用语的,则在附录的“常用词汇和短语”中列出;练习部分不仅可以强化所学内容,也是对课文内容的补充和延伸。 书中术语翻译以国标为准,如国标未列入,则参照中远船务工程集团有限责任公司企业标准。为方便读者,有些术语采用了括号内加注“行话”处理。如,gasket垫圈(床垫)。有些术语实在查不到现成翻译,笔者斗胆硬译了出来,如,snapconnector,译为:快动接头。不当之处敬请方家斧正! 本书定位于中级英语水平读者。建议船舶修理专业英语的初学者按本书顺序先学习本书前两部分“船体”和“船机”,积累一定量的专业词汇后,再学习“船舶修理规范”;而对于工作繁忙的船厂读者,建议直接学习船舶修理规范部分。 王占礼编写船舶修理规范、附录和部分船体、船机练习;江圆、陈朝霞、张光波、陈蓓编写船体部分;吴万千、刘宁、姜向东、王春、刘蓓编写船机部分。全书由青岛远洋船员学院王占礼副教授统稿。承蒙中远船务工程集团有限公司总经理王兴如主审。
前言Part One Hull Construction船体 Lesson 1 Decks and Hatches 甲板与舱口(盖) Lesson 2 Bulkheads and Pillars舱壁与支柱 Lesson 3 Shell Plating and Framing外板和骨架 Lesson 4 Plate and Section Preparation板材与型材加工 Lesson 5 Prefabrication and Outfit Modules预制和舾装 Lesson 6 Welding and Cutting焊接与切割 Lesson 7 Corrosion and Its Prevention腐蚀及其预防 Lesson 8 Engineering Materials工程材料 Lesson 9 Spar Platform平台Part Two Ship.borne Machinery and Equipment船机 Lesson 10 Diesel Engine(Ⅰ) 内燃机 Lesson 1 1 Diesel Engine(Ⅱ)内燃机 Lesson 12 Transmission System传动系统 Lesson 13 Marine Pumps and Piping System船用泵和管系 Lesson 14 Marine Boilers and Fresh Water Generator 船用锅炉和造水机 Lesson 15 Marine Refrigeration and Air Conditioning船舶制冷和空调 Lesson 16 Steering Gear舵机 Lesson 17 Deck Machinery 甲板机械 Lesson 18 Marine Electrical System船电系统 Lesson 19 The Application of Automation on Board 船舶自动化Part Three Ship Repair Quality Standards and Specifications船舶修理规 Lesson 20 Ship Repair Contract修船投标条款 Lesson 2 1 IACS Repair Quality Standard for Existing Ships(Part Ⅰ)IACS修船标准 Lesson 22 IACS Repair Quality Sndard for Existing Ships(Part Ⅱ)IACS修船标准 Lesson 23 IACS Repair Quality Standard for Existing Ships(Part Ⅲ)IACS修船标准 Lesson 24 Structural Steelwork钢结构修理工程 Lesson 25 Hull Coating and Anode Replacement船体涂装和锌板换新 Lesson 26 Tank Coating and Anodes Replacement舱柜涂装和锌板换新 Lesson 27 Main Engine Repair(Part Ⅰ)主机 Lesson 28 Main Engine Repair(Part Ⅱ)主机 Lesson 29 Boiler Plant Repair锅炉维修 Lesson 30 Electrical Repair Work电气维修 Lesson 31 Propeller Removal/Replacement螺旋桨拆装 Lesson 32 Steering System Reconditioning舵机系统维修 Lesson 33 Anchor and Windlass Reconditioning锚和锚机维修 Lesson 34 Pump and Pipe Work and Valve Reconditioning管系和阀维修 Lesson 35 Miscellaneous Repair Work杂项维修工作Part Four Appendices 附录 Appendix A Work—done List完工单 Appendix B Signs of Warning and Caution警示标志 Appendix C Useful words and Expressions in Ship Repair船舶修理常用词汇和短语
The generally recognized design of serrii-submersible platforms for minimizing the sensitivityof the unit to wave induced motions is known to consist of a lower hull or a group of pontoonsupon which are deployed any number of buoyant columns arranged such that their collective waterplane areas are spread significantly to provide a stable platform. The buoyancy for the unit isprovided by the displacement of the lower hull or hulls and the vertical columns of the unit belowthe waterline. The water plane area of these vertical columns, the effective cross-sectional area ofthe columns at the lever of the waterline, is known to be a significant design factor for bothminimizing the wave motion sensitivity and providing a stable platform with significant loadcarrying-capability to allow the vessel to perform its intended function. It is a trade-off betweenthese requirements for improved motion characteristics for better drilling operations and requiredwater plane area for a stable platform that is normally the prime concern of a naval architect withrespect to the design of a semi-submersible drilling unit. The geometric configuration of the columns of a semi-submersible unit are somewhatdetermined by the vessels intended service as well as by its designers philosophy. With increasedneeds for semi-submersibles on a worldwide market, it became essential to have units which weremore highly mobile thus the current generation of twin hull semi-submersibles having four, six, andeight columns evolved. The lower hulls of these units are generally of a ship shape form and duringtransit the unit performs similar to a catamaran type vessel. Various equipments are provided on such drilling vessels, particularly cranes and means forthe storage and handling of pipes. The term pipes is understood to mean two basic types of longcylindrical elements used in large quantities on such a drilling vessel and namely drill pipes havinga length of e.g. about 10 meters and a diameter of about 12 centimeters and risers having a lengthof about 15 meters and a diameter of a little more than one meter. Usually these pipes are storedhorizontally. It is therefore necessary to provide a handling means, which is designed for lifting thepipes and for placing them in their vertical use position. To obviate this needless change of position of the pipes, means have already been proposedfor the vertical storage of individual drill pipes. Thus the drill pipes are stored in juxtaposedmanner over the entire surface of a storage area located beneath the deck of the drilling vessel, soas to lower the centre of gravity thereof. Storage particularly suffers from the disadvantage ofoccupying a considerable floor or ground space and of only permitting a successive access to thedifferent drill rods, unless a device is provided for the upward extraction thereof and which is ableto move above the entire ground surface, which increases the overall dimensionsl An article in the journal Ocean Industry, August 1985 reports on a catamaran-type drillingvessel project, in which the risers are stored vertically within a parallelepipedic median caissonconnecting the two hulls of the catamaran. However, this median caisson suffers from seriousdisadvantages. On the one hand its presence between the hulls is prejudicial to the handling of thetemplates, cf. U.S. Pat. No.4,435,108 and whose overall dimensions are about 10.times.40m.Moreover, this median caisson produces a considerable draught of water and is highly exposed to aswell. There is nothing which outweighs the advantages of a catamaran more than adding a cross-wallthereto, which makes it possible to significantly increase the number of anchoring means.