你厌烦枯燥乏味的英文读本吗?你抵制用单一式的方法学习英语吗? 很多人学习英语只是和数不尽的单词打交通。全英文的读本让大多数的读者感到枯燥乏味。知识难以吸收。单一式的学习方法也无法满足读者对知识的记忆要求。针对英语学习过程中的难题。本书从四方面给出了自己的解决方案。 1、图文并茂提高读者的学习兴趣。 1.图片能直观地将事物表现出来。快速给读者留下印象。 2.图片的生动性能吸引读者的注意力。提高读者对文本内容的兴趣。同时在图片内容中加入所学的知识能让读者在轻松的环境中完成对知识的学习。 2、群组式学习简化知识记忆。 1.将意思相近,或有内在关联的单词分门别类地进行归纳。使读者能较清晰地完成对知识的梳理和归类。
PREFACEUNIT 1 Choose SchoolsUNIT 2 Ledure and ClassroomUNIT 3 Problems in StudyUNIT 4 AssignmentUNIT 5 Reading in Spare TimeUNIT 6 ExaminationsUNIT 7 Research PaperUNIT 8 GraduationUNIT 9 Advanced StudyUNIT 10 Study AbroadUNIT 11 Eating and DrinkingUNIT 12 In the DormitoryUNIT 13 Joining a ClubUNIT 14 At the English CornerUNIT 15 In the LibraryUNIT 16 In the LaboratoryUNIT 17 At the OfficeUNIT 18 Attending a LedureUNIT 19 Go ShoppingUNIT 20 Hairdressing ServicesUNIT 21 Seeing a DoctorUNIT 22 EncouragementUNIT 23 Expressing FeelingsUNIT 24 CriticismUNIT 25 Advice and SuggestionsUNIT 26 Complaint and ApologyUNIT 27 Help with Each OtherUNIT 28 At a BankUNIT 29 At the Post OfficeUNIT 30 Campus LoveUNIT 31 In the PartiesUNIT 32 Engagements and InvitationUNIT 33 Vocational TravellingUNIT 34 Common TransportationUNIT 35 Outing and PicnicUNIT 36 Interests and HobbiesUNIT 37 On the InternetUNIT 38 Listening to the MusicUNIT 39 ChattingUNIT 40 Computer GamesUNIT 41 Chess and CardsUNIT 42 Seeing a MovieUNIT 43 TV ProgrammeUNIT 44 TechnologyUNIT 45 Beautiful DreamUNIT 45 Social EtiquetteUNIT 47 JobsUNIT 48 Culture DifferencesUNIT 49 Society
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