谢悦波 编
本教材根据WTO最新颁布的ISO标准编写,主要介绍了传统的水位观测、天然河道的流量测验、泥沙测验(即传统水文测验中的水、流、沙测验),地下水监测和水质信息的采集等方面的内容。 本教材适用于水文水资源工程专业双语教学外,也可供水利水电类其他专业的师生及相关技术人员参考。
前言Chapter 1 Hydrometric Stations 1.1 Hydrometric network design 1.1.1 Purpose of network design and classification of network 1.1.2 Principles for designing a base network 1.1.3 Hydrometric networks in some countries 1.2 Selection and rec.nnaissance of river reaches for hydrometric stations 1.2.1 Contr01 0f hydrometric stations 1.2.2 Selection of stream gauging reaches 1.2.3 Survey for the stream-gauging reaches 1 3 Establishment of hydrometric stations 1.3.1 Procedures of establishing gauging stations and stream gauging stations 1.3.2 Establishment of the cross section and the base lineChapter 2 Water Level 2.1 0utline 2.1.1 The base level 2.1.2 Water level Or stage 2.2 Instruments for observing stages 2.2.1 Different types of gauges 2.2.2 Automatic recording systems 2.2.3 Stilling well 2.2.4 Accuracy of water level measurements 2.2.5 PreSentation of results of water level measurements 2.2.6 International Standards 2.3 Processing of stage records 2.3.1 Checking the datum level and zero point of the gauge 2.3.2 Computation of mean daily stage 2.3.3 Interpolation of stage records 2.3.4 Plotting stage hydrographs 2.3.5 Making average daily hydrograph tables 2.3.6 Selection of stages for various durations 2.3.7 Inspecting the rationality Of stage dataChapter 3 Discharge MeasurementChapter 4 Compilation of Stream Flow DataChapter 5 Sediment Observation and Sediment Data ComilationChapter 6 Groundwater MonitoringChapter 7 Collection of Water Quality InformationREVIEW AND QUESTION参考文献附录
版权页:插图:Once the control is used for measurement of water level and discharges, it is called a gauging station. Usually——at least in flat rivers——the gauging station is a channel control. However, if possible, a section control with a permanent narrowing should be selected.The stage-discharge relationship of the channel section has to be established empirically. After having established the rating curve, measurements have t be continued to enable verification and, if necessary, adjustment of the rating curve to the actual circumstances. Deviations from the discharges read from the rating curve can be caused by morphological changes of the river bed, changes in roughness, for instance due to developing vegetation in the flood plain, and last but not least, by the presence of flood waves which cause the slope of the water surface to vary and produce a loop in the rating curve, the extent of which depends On the nature of the flood wave (see paragraph4.5.1) A series of records of discharges needs evaluation before it can be used for engineering purposes. Such evaluation may be simple and suitable for normal practice. Rating curves, relation curves and duration curves are dealt with in paragraph 4.3.1 and paragraph 4.3.2.However, more sophisticated statistical methods may be necessary especially in cases where extrapolation of relationships between quantities or parameters is needed (see paragraph 4.10) .