温海明,温海明 译
This book aims to explore Chinese philosophical characteristics of different philosophers in various periods, and distinguish "Chinese philosophical sensibility" motivating their thoughts. In doing so, the author employs Westernphilosophical categories to descdbe different issues in the history of philosophy: Chinese political philosophy in pre-Qin era, Chinese metaphysics from Hanto Tang Dynasties, Chinese epistemology from Song to Ming Dynasties, and modern Chinese-Western comparative philosophy. The author provides readers with a clear conception of Chinese philosophical sensibility and its evolution throughout history.
Dr. Haiming Wen received his Ph.D. on com-parative philosophy from University of Hawaii in2006. He is now an assistant professor in theSchool of Philosophy, Renmin University ofChina. He was once an East-West Center (EWC)affiliate, with Wing-tsit Chan Fellowship from Uni-versity of Hawaii, Afterwards he taught in theDepartment of Philosophy, Peking University asa post-doctoral fellow. He is teaching Chinesephilosophy in Renmin University of China andAmerican CIEE/IES programs in both Chineseand English. He has published more than tenjournal articles in both English and Chinese. Heis the director assistant of the Center for Chi-nese and Comparative Philosophy in RenmmUniversity of China, and director for the Office ofInternational Affairs, School of Philosophy. He isassisting Roger Ames to edit "International Stud-ies on Confucianism" series for Peking Univer-sity Press. He is a member of American Philo-sophical Association (APA), American ChinesePhilosophers Association (ACPA), InternationalSociety for Chinese Philosophy (ISCP), Interna-tional Society for Chinese and Western Philoso-phies (tSCWP) etc. He has been invited topresent more than 20 papers in the United States,Chinese mainland and Taiwan in English andChinese. He has published an English book titledConfucian Pragmatism as the Art ofContextual/zing Personal Expe#ence and World.
Introduction: What Is Chinese PhilosophyZhouyi: The Starting Point of Chinese PhilosophyA Mystical and Profound ClassicFrom Taiji to Eight TrigramsThe Philosophy of ZhouyiChinese Political Philosophy: Pre-Qin PhilosophersConfucius (Kongzi): Family Reverence as the Root of HumanityMencius (Mengzi): Governing the State with Humane LoveLaozi: The Great Dao is like WaterZhuangzi: Wandering at Ease without SelfMozi and Other Pre-Qin ThinkersXunzi's Political TheoryHanfei's Art of RulershipSunzi's Art of WarChinese Metaphysics: Interpretations of the World from Hanto Tang DynastiesChinese Cosmology in the Han DynastyThe Ontology of Being and Nothingness in Wei-Jin DynastiesChinese Metaphysics of Emptiness (Sunyata): Buddhism in Sui andTang DynastiesChan Buddhism: Enlightening Buddhist Wisdom in SmilingChinese Epistemology: Song-Ming Philosophers on the Relationship between Mind-heart andThings/eventsFrom Han Yu to Zhang ZaiCheng Brothers and the "Luo School"Zhu Xi: Extinguishing Human Desires in Order to KeepHeavenly LiLu Jiuyuan: The Cosmos Does not Exist without MindWang Yangming: Nothing is Outside One's MindThe Dao of Chinese Philosophy: Its Sustainment andCreativityThree Philosophers between Ming and Qing DynastiesModem Chinese Philosophy as Responses to WesternPhilosophiesModern Chinese Philosophy: New Confucianism andEast-West Comparative PhilosophyHu Shi, Fung Yu-lan, and the Discipline of Modem ChinesePhilosophyXiong Shili and New ConfucianismContemporary East-West Comparative PhilosopAppendix I: Table of Key Philosophical TermsAppendix Ⅱ: Timeline of Chinese and WesternPhilosophiesAppendix Ⅲ: Chronological Table of the Chinese Dynasties