胡T,钟习政 著
Why did the prchistoric rock carvings appear on the desolatecliffs? What stories lie buried among tile fragments of pottery jarsfrom thousands of years ago? How did an ancient woman dead forcenturies comc to bc known as tile Belie of Loulan? What role have tlletwin cities on the Silk Road played in history? Why is Hotan jade soprecious? Is tile Gelanmu carpet really a gift from Heaven? How havethe silent stone statues on the grassland survived the ravages of time?Will the world's only species of wild horse ever gallop freely againacross the land where its ancestors once roamed? Why does China'swestern frontier have a city laid out according to the eight trigrams?How did the Fragrant Concubine get her name, and where is sheburied? Explore the Mysteries of Xinjiang to find the answers.
let belle of loulan guide the waylegends at the foot of the mountain of flamesthe ancient city of earth buildings……
A City of Buddhists At the heart of the Jiaohe Ruins stands a Buddhist temple. People have long wondered what secrets might be hidden inside. As a professional archaeologist, Wu Zhen's view on when Jiaohe was established, is well-founded. Key to his work are two relics discovered in 1996 at the Gouxi Tomb, near the Jiaohe Ruins. One is a semicircular gold neckband formed of four intertwined hollow flattubes, which was clearly a symbol of nobility and social status; the other is a gold earring inlaid with turquoise,with levels of bright colouring and an unusual design. Both items date from the Hart Dynasty, around thestart of the Christian era. Wu Zhen, as he continued hisresearch, became increasingly interested in the layoutof the tomb. He eventually concluded that the occupantof the Gouxi Tomb must have been a noble of very highstanding. Cheshi is known to have been home to nomadictribes. Its architecture, such as the tombs, thereforetended to be circular in design, rather than square. Wubelieves that the city of Jiaohe was built around theBuddhist temple, which occupied the central point. Thetemple served as the city's main landmark, just as theForbidden City does in Beijing. The streets, alleys andhouses were all built, centred on the Buddhist temple.The city as we see it today, finally came into beingduring the Tang Dynasty. Xinjiang played a key role in the eastward spread ofBuddhism. So, there are numerous sites in the regionthat are associated with Buddhism, among them theancient city of Jiaohe. Buddhism had a major impacton the design and construction of Jiaohe.