彭光谦,赵智印,罗永 著,马晨光,闫双 译
Through its reform and opening to the outside world, China has workedan economic miracle and boosted its comprehensive strength, enhancing itsstanding in the international communi~ As more and more people aroundthe world are eager to know and understand China, we have compiled theChina Series, aiming to provide a shortcut for readers to get the basic factsabout this country.
China's national defense has always been a topic readers at home and abroad are very interested in. For China, which is a big nation undergoing rapid economic development, what is the current condition of its modernization in national defense? What is its national defense policy? What kind of development path is it following in national defense? What contribution will China's national defense building make to world peace and stability? This book will seek answers through facts, and explain to our readers China's approach to national defense.
PrefaceChina's Peaceful Development and Its National DefenseNew Concept of Security and Defensive National Defense PolicyNational Defense and Armed Forces Building under the Guidance of the Scientific Outlook on DevelopmentChina's Armed Forces and Its Historic MissionThe People's War-based Positive Defense StrategyChina's Special Military Reform and InnovationChina's Modern Defense-related Science, Technology and Industry SystemMajor Force in Safeguarding World Peace and Promoting Common Development
4. The Question of Taiwan amid the Core NationalInterests Taiwan has always been a sacred part of Chinas territory.The Question of Taiwan not only involves Chinas generaland particular interests, but also relates to its core nationalinterests. It is also the key question concerning Chinas na-tional security.Compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are com-munities with blood bonds, and China is the commonhomeland of the compatriots on both sides of the Straits. Forthe Chinese nation, safeguarding the integrity of nationalterritory and sovereignty as well as ethnic unity is not ashort-term political demand and general political choice,but comes from a strong sense of history formed in the ac- cumulation of the long river of Chinese history running through thousands of years, a national sentiment deeply rooted in the fertile soil of the civilization of the Chinese na- tion in the past 5,000 years, as well as the core and essence of the traditional cultural heritage of the Chinese nation. Since the Qin Dynasty (221-206BC) established Chinas first unified multi-ethnic country, creating a new epoch of unifi- cation in Chinese history, unification has always occupied a dominant position in Chinas political life and national sentiment. Unification is regarded as the regular canon of Heaven and Earth, and the coherent rule of past and pres- ent.