Since China's tidal wave of Reform and Opening reached Shanghai in the early 1990s, the city has developed at a pace that has astounded observers and broken all historical precedent. Yet on December 3, 2002, an event occurred that accelerated developments to a new pitch of feverish activity: Shanghai won its bid to host the 2010 World Expo, at the 132nd general assembly of the Bureau of International Exhibitions (BIE), held in Monte Carlo, Monaco. The future shifted,and the city went wild.
1 History Old City Geology Songjiang Taipings Lilongs Gangsters Red Shanghai Song Family Art Deco Hudec Shanghai Ghetto Shanghai People2 Sights Temples Yu Garden Bund Suzhou Creek Museums Xintiandi Art Galleries Skyscrapers Animals3 Accomodation 5-Star Pudong 5-Star Puxi Hostels4 Lifestyle Markets TCM Spas Massage Malls5 Dining Shanghainese Dumplings Coffee Beijing Duck Cantonese Hunan Sichuan Taiwanese Vegetarian Xinjiang Yunnan American Fine Dining French Indian Italian Japanese Latin American Mediterranean Middle Eastern Southeast Asia Spanish6 Nightlife Jazz Rock Hipster Hangouts Wine Bars Hotel Bars Lounges Dives Pubs Clubs7 Expo Basic Facts Better Cities What is World Expo? Expo History Chinese Expo HistoryIndexMaps Putuo District Jing'an District Hongkou District Yangpu Distrct Xuhui District Luwan Distrcit Changning District Huangpu District Pudong District Shanghai Metro Shanghai City
版权页: 插图: Colonial settlement of the Bund began from its northern extremity, knownas the Bund Origin, where Suzhou Creek joins the Huangpu. The Bund Origin's Huangpu Park was the site of the infamous (and at least semi-mythical) colonial era sign barring admittance to "Chinese and dogs." Comparatively bypassed by the earlier stages of urban renovation, this area has been a major focus of attention in the run-up to the 2010 Expo. Restoration of important Bund Origin heritage sites has been coupled with dramatic urban development along Suzhou Creek and northwards along the Huangpu waterfront into the city's Hongkou District (an area that has been baptized the North Bund). At the north end of the Bund, spanning Suzhou Creek, is the recently restored Waibaidu Bridge (originally known as the Garden Bridge in English): the first steel bridge in China, a vital part of the city's industrial heritage, and an important historical landmark. The metal structure dates back to 1907, replacing previous wooden bridges in the same location. The Chinese name literally translates as either 'Outer ferry crossing' or 'Foreigners cross for free', the latter owing to the (possibly apocryphal) story that Chinese were charged a toll while foreigners were not. Chinese locals suffered further humiliation trying to cross the bridge after 1937, when the Japanese occupied the northern bank of the creek. Restoration of the bridge has been an integral part of the Bund Origin redevelopment, scheduled to meet the Expo opening. Immediately north of the Bund, across Suzhou Creek, lies another cluster of historically important buildings from Shanghai's classical modernist period. These include the Astor House Hotel (15 Huangpu Rd); the imposing cliff-like Broadway Mansions, built in 1934 (20 Suzhou N. Rd); and the Russian Consulate building (2o Huangpu Rd), built in 1917. The Astor House Hotel, first constructed in 1858 and tinkered with repeatedly over the years, was a prominent institution in colonialera Shanghai, pioneering the introduction of technologies from telephones to electric lighting and hosting many of the early 2oth century's most important leaders and celebrities. Museumstyle exhibits and images relating part of this story can be found inside.