

张天心 译 贺继宏,纯懿 编 贺继宏、纯懿、 张天心 五洲传播出版社 (2011-09出版)



贺继宏、纯懿、 张天心 五洲传播出版社 (2011-09出版)  


张天心 译 贺继宏,纯懿 编  








  One of the three epics of China, Kyrgyz people's masterpiece Manas was already listed into China's National-level Catalogue of Representative Works of Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2005. In 2009, it was also placed into the United Nations' List of Representative Works of Humankind's Intangible Cultural Heritage.  Acclaimed as a living fossil of Kyrgyz Nationality's culture, the heroic epic Manas showcases what Kyrgyz people have long been yearning for and aspiring after. As a folk literary masterpiece with national character, it eulogizes the heroic feats achieved by Kyrgyz people's dauntless khan and his outstanding descendants from his later seven generations while they campaign for the happiness and well- being of the whole ethnic group. Consisting of eight parts, the epic contains more than 235,000 lines in all. Each part is named after a certain protagonist. Titles of different parts are as follows: Manas (volume one), Semetei (volume two), Seitek (volume three), Kenenim (volume four), Seyit (volume five), Asilbaqa andBekbaqa (volume six), Sombilek (volume seven) and Qiktey (volume eight).  The stories of the epic circulate widely not only among Kyrgyz minority members living in China but also among the Kyrgyz people settling down in Central Asia.  Only a small part of the folk stories are chosen and then adapted into Legend of Manas.


  HE JIHONG,Born in 1944, Mr. He Jihong assumed the director of the Office of Local Chronicles Compilation at Kizilsu Kyrgyz Autonomous Prefecture in Xinjiang. He is a member of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Writers Association, a member of Xinjiang Folk Artists Association, and the former chairman of the autonomous prefecture's Writers Association. As a scholar researching Xinjiang's history, culture and ethnology, Mr. He Jihong edited Local History of Kizilsu, Encyclopeditz of Kyrgyz people in Cbina and A Selection of Kyrgyz peoples Folk Literary Masterpieces. He authored Essays on Western Regions, A Continuation of Essays on Western Regions and a number of other important academic works. He is writing Cultural History of Kyrgyz Nationalizy and Local Cbronicles of Kizilsu.  CHUN Yi,The original name of the co-author Chun Yi is Li Jian. She is a member of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Writers Association. Born in 1970s at Kizilsu Kyrgyz Autonomous Prefecture in Xinjiang, she is a writer and poet. The wheelchair-bound writer is preoccupied with working on her manuscripts by tapping her computer keyboard with pencil her. She is now working for a local vocational secondary school which provides special education. A number of literary works of her have been published on the famed newspapers and magazines across the country. A novel authored by her was awarded the "First Mount Tianshan Literary and Art Prize" by Xinjiang Government.


PrefaceChapter 1Invasion of Kyrgyz Nationality's Territories by Alooke and Manas' Birth at a Time of Danser and AdversityChapter 2Naianas Drives Enemies off and Fellow ViIlasers Elect and Proclaim the Teen as Khan of Their ClanChapter 3Manas Goes on an Expedition to Save Compatriots from AdversityChapter 4Numerous Warriors Die in Battlefield and Manas Khan Passes AwayChapter 5Semetei, Son of Manas, Inflicts Punishment on Traitors and Succeeds to Throne of His FatherChapter 6Semetei and AichurekChapter 7Konurbai Invades Kenkol and Numerous Warriors Protect TalasChapter 8Kenchoro Coliudes with Kyiaz and Semetei VanishesChapter 9Seitek and Kuichoro Eliminate KyiazChapter 10Kenenim Kids Peopie of an EvilChapter 11The Fifth Khan Seyit Fishts KaradoleChapter 12The Sixth Khan Holds Grand Ceremony in Honor of AncestorsChapter 13The Seventh Khan Sombilek Fights BakdowletChapter 14The Eighth Khan Qiktey Passes Away in the Pride of His Life & End of Heroic Legends of Family Manas' Eight GenerationsPostscript


柯尔克孜族英雄史诗《玛纳斯》是中国三大史诗之一,它历经几个世纪由成千上万人集体创作,已成不朽的跨时代的文学巨著。与藏族史诗《格萨尔王传》、蒙古族史诗《江格尔》不同,史诗《玛纳斯》并非一个主人公,而是一家子孙八代人。整部史诗以第一部中的主人公之名得名。《玛纳斯》主要讲述了柯尔克孜族人民不畏艰险,奋勇拼搏,创造美好生活,歌颂伟大爱情的故事。 贺继宏、纯懿编撰的《玛纳斯故事》选编了其中一部分精彩的故事。





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