宋京津 编
Chapter 1 Introduction to International Accounting 1.1 Development of International Accounting 1.2 Definition of International Accounting 1.3 Establishment cf Detailed Contents on International Accounting 1.4 Objectives of Research on International AccountingChapter 2 International Accounting Harmonization 2.1 Overview of International Accounting Harmonization 2.2 International Organizations and Their Activites 2.3 Stock ExchangesChapter 3 Accounting for Foreign Currency 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Foreign Currency Transactions 3.3 Translation of Foreign Financial StatementsChapter 4 Business Combinations 4.1 Definitions 4.2 Legal Forms of Business Combinations 4.3 Reasons for Business Combinations 4.4 Acquisition MethodChapter 5 Consolidated Financial Statements 5.1 Presentation of Consolidated Financial Statements 5.2 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 5.3 Consolidated Income Statement 5.4 Disclosure RequirementsChapter 6 Accounting for Changing Prices 6.1 Defects of Historical Cost Accounting 6.2 Overview of Accounting for Changing Prices 6.3 Accounting Measurement Alternatives 6.4 Regulation and Practice of Accounting for Changing Prices Chapter 7 Accounting for Financial Instruments 7.1 Background 7.2 Development of Reporting Finaneia] Instruments 7.3 Financial Instrument Practices 7.4 Derivatives Used for HedgingChapter 8 Financial Reporting in Different Countries 8.1 French Accounting 8.2 German Accounting 8.3 Dutch Accounting 8.4 Japanese Accounting 8.5 UK Accounting 8.6 American AccountingChapter 9 Corporate Governance 9.1 History of Corporate Governance 9.2 What Is Corporate Governanee 9.3 Corporate Governance Theory 9.4 Principles of Corporate Governance 9.5 Corporate Governance Models
插图:These authors can be considered as either implicitly or explicitly believing that in-ternational accounting is a subject in its own right.Three publications begin by referring to three approaches to international accountingdefined by T. R. Weirich, C. G. Avery and H. R. Anderson: (1) a universal sys-tem, (2) a comparative system, and (3) accounting for subsidiaries.In addition, several authors give their own definitions, which are worth quotinghere. According to F. Choi and G. Mueller ( 1992, p. 12), international accountingextends general-purpose, nationally oriented accounting in its broadest sense to : ( 1 ) in-ternational comparative analysis; (2) accounting measurement and reporting issues u-nique to multinational enterprises; (3) accounting needs of international financial mar-kets; and (4) harmonization of worldwide accounting and financial reporting diversityvia political, organizational, professional, and standard-setting activities.For A. Belkaoui (1994, p. 12), these new environmental factors of (1) the glob-al economy, (2) the international monetary system, (3) the multinational corporation,and (4) foreign direct investment, have created an environment in which businesstransactions, their conduct, measurement and disclosure, take new and distinctive formsthat call for a specific accounting subdiscipline. That accounting subdiscipline is inter-national accounting.
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