康晓光 等 著
Drawing on the most comprehensive and reliable data from the China Foundation Center, this research report presents systematic depictions and analysises of today's Chinese foundations and provides accurate evaluations of the statuses of different types of Chinese foundations measured by a rich list of key indicators, Wide in coverage, broad in approach, conceptually clear and fluent, this report ranks as the first comprehensive overview of Chinese foundations in the reform era. The topics covered include, but not limited to,the quantitative changes of Chinese foundations in the past three decades,the establishment history of these foundations, their geographical and administrative regional distributions, financial conditions, human resources,operating areas, social functions, and working strategies and methods.
A Brief Introduction: Chinese Foundations Growing in Transition G I Overview of Chinese FoundationsG.1 Chapter One Numbers by Foundation Type 1. Numbers of Public Offering Foundations, Non-Public Offering Foundations, National Foundations, and Local Foundations 2. Numbers of Foundations by Administrative Region 3. Numbers of Foundations by Registration Year 4. Numbers of Foundations by Registration Fund 5. Numbers of Foundations Terminated 6. Factors of Impacting Foundation RegistrationG.2 Chapter Two Total Assets 1. Total Assets of Foundations in 2008 and 2009 2. Total Assets in 2008 and 2009: the Top 100 FoundationsG.3 Chapter Three Income 1. Total Income of Foundations in 2008 and 2009 2. Total Income in 2008 and 2009: the Top 50 Foundations 3. Total Income in 2008 and 2009: the Top 50 POFs 4. Total Income in 2008 and 2009: the Top 50 NPOFs 5. Donation Income of Foundations in 2008 and 2009 6. Donation Income in 2008 and 2009: the Top 100 Foundations 7. Donation Income in 2008 and 2009: the Top 50 Foundations 8. Donation Income in 2008 and 2009: the Top 50 POFs and NPOFs 9. Domestic Donation Income of Foundations in 2008 and 2009 10. Domestic Donation Income in 2008 and 2009: the Top 100 Foundations 11. Foreign Donation Income of Foundations in 2008 and 2009 12. Foreign Donation Income in 2008 and 2009: the Top 100 Foundations 13. Donation Income from Domestic Individuals of Foundations in 2008 and 2009 14. Donation Income from Domestic Individuals in 2008 and 2009: the Top 100 Foundations 15. Donation Income from Domestic Legal Persons and Other Organizations of Foundations in 2008 and 2009 16. Donation Income from Domestic Legal Persons and Other Organizations in 2008 and 2009: the Top 100 Foundations 17. Donation Income from Foreign Individuals in 2008 and 2009: the Top 50 Foundations 18. Donation Income from Foreign Legal Persons and Other Organizations of Foundations in 2008 and 2009 19. Donation Income from Foreign Legal Persons and Other Organizations in 2008 and 2009: the Top 50 Foundations 20. Income from Governmental Subsidies of Foundations in 2008 and 2009 21. Income from Governmental Subsidies in 2008 and 2009: the Top 100 Foundations 22. Investment Income of Foundations in 2008 and 2009 23. Investment Income in 2008 and 2009: the Top 100 Foundations 24. Investment Income as a Share of Total Income of Foundations in 2008 and 2009 25. Service Income of Foundations in 2008 and 2009 26. Service Income of Foundations in 2008 and 2009: the Top 10 FoundationsG.4 Chapter Four Expenses 1. Total Expenses of Foundations in 2008 and 2009 2. Total Expenses in 2008 and 2009: the Top 100 Foundations 3. Total Expenses in 2008 and 2009: the Top 100 POFs 4. Total Expenses in 2008 and 2009: the Top 100 NPOFs 5. Charitable Expenses of Foundations in 2008 and 2009 6. Charitable Expenses in 2008 and 2009: the Top 100 Foundations 7. Charitable Expenses in 2008 and 2009: the Top 100 POFs and NPOFs 8. Compfiance of Charitable Expenses of POFs and NPOFs in 2008 and 2009 9. Administrative Expenses of Foundations in 2008 and 2009 10. Administrative Expenses in 2008 and 2009: the Top 100 Foundations 11. Employment Compensation and Benefits-Related Expenses of Foundations in 2008 and 2009 12. Number of the Foundations without Expenses in 2008 and 2009C.5 Chapter Five Human Resources 1. Number of Full-Time Staff of Foundations 2. Number of Full-Time Staff in 2009: the Top 50 Foundations in Total Expenses 3. Number of Full-Time Staff in 2009: the Top 50 Foundations in Total AssetsG.6 Chapter Six Functions 1. Operating Areas and Features 2. Who are to Be Served 3. Where to Conduct Programs and Services 4. How to Conduct Programs and Services 5. Collaborators 6. Operating Strategies and Methods 7. Official Websites and Information Disclosure G Ⅱ RankingLists of Chinese FoundationsList I Top 100 Foundations in 2009, by Level of Total AssetsList 2 Top 100 Foundations in 2008, by Level of Total AssetsList 3 Top 50 Foundations in 2009, by Level of Total IncomeList 4 Top 50 Foundations in 2008, by Level of Total IncomeList 5 Top 50 POFs in 2009, by Level of Total IncomeList 6 Top 50 POFs in 2008, by Level of Total IncomeList 7 Top 50 NPOFs in 2009, by Level of Total IncomeList 8 Top 50 NPOFs in 2008, by Level of Total IncomeList 9 Top 100 Foundations in 2009, by Level of Donation lncomeList 10 Top 100 Foundations in 2008, by Level of Donation IncomeList 11 Top 50 POFs in 2009, by Level of Donation IncomeList 12 Top 50 POFs in 2008, by Level of Donation lncomeList 13 Top 50 NPOFs in 2009, by Level of Donation lncomeList 14 Top 50 NPOFs in 2008, by Level of Donation IncomeList 15 Top 100 Foundations in 2009, by Level of Domestic Donation IncomeList 16 Top 100 Foundations in 2008, by Level of Domestic Donation IncomeList 17 Top 100 Foundations in 2009, by Level of Foreign Donation lncomeList 18 Top 100 Foundations in 2008, by Level of Foreign Donation IncomeList 19 Top 100 Foundations in 2009, by Level of Donation Income from Domestic IndividualsList 20 Top 100 Foundations in 2008, by Level of Donation Income from Domestic IndividualsList 21 Top 100 Foundations in 2009, by Level of Donation Income from Domestic Legal Persons and Other OrganizationsList 22 Top 100 Foundations in 2008, by Level of Donation Income from Domestic Legal Persons and Other OrganizationsList 23 Top 50 Foundations in 2009, by Level of Donation Income from Foreign IndividualsList 24 Top 50 Foundations in 2008, by Level of Donation Income from Foreign IndividualsList 25 Top 50 Foundations in 2009, by Level of Donation Income from Foreign Legal Persons and Other OrganizationsList 26 Top 50 Foundations in 2008, by Level of Donation Income from Foreign' Legal Persons and Other OrganizationsList 27 Top 100 Foundations in 2009, by Level of Income from Governmental SubsidiesList 28 Top 100 Foundations in 2008, by Level of Income from Governmental SubsidiesList 29 Top 100 Foundations in 2009, by Level of Investment IncomeList 30 Top 100 Foundations in 2008, by Level of Investment IncomeList 31 Top 100 Foundations in 2009, by Percentage of Investment Income among Total IncomeList 32 Top 100 Foundations in 2008, by Percentage of Investment Income among Total IncomeList 33 Service Income of 43 Foundations in 2009List 34 Service Income of 48 Foundations in 2008List 35 Top 100 Foundations in 2009, by Level of Total ExpensesList 36 Top 100 Foundations in 2008, by Level of Total ExpensesList 37 Top 100 POFs in 2009, by Level of Total ExpensesList 38 Top 100 POFs in 2008, by Level of Total ExpensesList 39 Top 100 NPOFs in 2009, by Level of Total ExpensesList 40 Top 100 NPOFs in 2008, by Level of Total ExpensesList 41 Top 100 Foundations in 2009, by Level of Charitable ExpensesList 42 Top 100 Foundations in 2008, by Level of Charitable ExpensesList 43 Top 100 POFs in 2009, by Level of Charitable ExpensesList 44 Top 100 POFs in 2008, by Level of Charitable ExpensesList 45 Top 100 NPOFs in 2009, by Level of Charitable ExpensesList 46 Top 100 NPOFs in 2008, by Level of Charitable ExpensesList 47 Top 100 Foundations in 2009, by Level of Administrative ExpensesList 48 Top 100 Foundations in 2008, by Level of Administrative Expenses GⅢ Key EventsG.7 Key EventsG.8 PostscriptG.9 Acknowledgments
版权页: 插图: Three decades have passed since 1981 when China's first foundation wasestablished.During this period,the Chinese foundations have grown at a steadyrate alongside by China's political,economic,social,and cultural changes. Itcan be observed that the Chinese foundations have experienced fundamentaltransformations and simultaneously advanced themselves in numerous aspects.This report is based on an independent study conducted by our researchteam. The main data on the Chinese foundations including their numbers,assets,income,expenses,and human resources were provided by the ChineseFoundation Center. The data on the functions of the Chinese foundations wasbuilt on a sampling survey conducted by our research team. A. The Transition of the Chinese Foundations in Number 140 foundations were registered in the 1980s; 386 foundations wereregistered in the 1990s; since 2000 there have been 1,388 foundations thatgained their registration. It is clear that the Chinese foundations have increasedin number in the last three decades. In particular,compared to the 1980sand 1990s,the recent decade witnessed the quickest and most increase onfoundation registration. Whereas national foundations have increased at a relatively steady rate,localfoundations have increased more rapidly. In the 1980s there were 111 localfoundations that received registration,and in the 1990s the number was 340.After 2000 newly-registered local foundations were 1,312. From the 1980s to1990s the newly-registered local foundations increased by 206%. The increaserate was 286% from the 1990s to the 2000s. As for national foundations,thenewly-registered increased from 29 in the 1980s to 46 in the 1990s,and theincrease rate was 59%. Compared to the 1990s,the newly-registered nationalfoundations increased by 65% after 2000,from 46 to 76. In the 1980s and 1990s,about half of newly-registered foundations hada registration fund of 4 million-8 million yuan. After 2000 43.8% of newly-registered foundations had a registration fund of 2 million-4 million yuan.40.9% of newly-registered foundations had a registration fund of 4 million-8 millionyuan. Thus,among the foundations registered after 2000,the foundations withless registration funds increased. In terms of total assets possessed by the Chinese foundations,46% of thetop 100 foundations in the 2009 ranking list were registered after 2000,and41% in the 1990s.