世界图书出版公司 世界图书出版公司 (2011-01出版)
世界图书出版公司 编
Completely revised and updated,this 1,200-page volume is one of the finest and most authoritative dictionaries of the English language available. The dictionary section includes more than 1.200 illustrations and 170,000 entries. Together with an alphabetized thesaurus of 90,000 synonyms and antonyms, this outstanding reference work will satisfy even the most demanding user. The alphabetical dictionary entries were selected by a group of distinguished lexicographers and other language scholars, and were edited to give the user specific and exact definitions. Unlike many other dictionaries,The New International Webster's Dictionary and Thesaurus has an easy-to-use pronunciation guide and shows when to capitalize and where to break a word. The New International Webster' s Dictionary and Thesaurus is attractive and sturdily bound. It is an outstanding value, offering quality reference material ideally suited for home, school or office use.
Explanatory NotesSyllabications,Parts of Speech,Definition NumbersEtymologies,Synonyms and Antonyms,Abbreviations,AlphabetizationSpellingPronunciation Key and AbbreviationsIllustrated Dictionary of the English LanguageThesaurus
买这词典纯粹就是满足一下收藏欲望。但是收到书后还是比较失望。三个原因:一、内容旧!居然把香港解释成英国在中国南部的一个殖民地(a British crown colony in SE China; 391 square miles, comprising Hong Kong Island, Kowloon penisula, and the New Territories;……),WWW、Blog、SMS等等简单但是比较新的词汇都没有找到。Damn it!可怕的是词典还声明自己是2011 EDITION!看copyright估计是1992年的词典!不知道“新”在何处?出版社很有欺骗消费者的嫌疑。二、连mantra这么简单的单词都找不到,还标榜170000 entries!三、纸质也跟国际接轨了,很粗糙(非词典用纸比外国印普通小说的环保纸略好一点点)。我这本写着Printed in Canada,但纸那么差,是出版社的问题还是卓越的是盗版?优点:中肯地说,字典总体上看内容还是不错的,词条解释比较清楚,里面还有很多插图帮助理解词义,相较MW11,不需要为了查一个单词而去查一串不认识的定义用词!很多词条下有近义词辨析,对词汇用法很有帮助;各种学科的词条都有收录,唯不适合用于阅读近年出版之科技类文章,除此之外,实用性足够;无thu...mb index,词典显得完整,很好!买回来把包着的书套一扔,就什么中文都没有了(这个“学习宝典”翻译得有点“雷”,不把书套扔了不行)。 阅读更多 ›