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第1章 全国院校英语专业语言学考研真题分析
1.1 语言学考研真题分析
1.2 重点院校语言学考研真题比较
第2章 名校英语专业语言学考研真题详解
10. 南京大学语言学考研真题及参考答案(2006-2009)
11. 中山大学语言学考研真题及参考答案(2005-2009,2011)
18. 大连外国语学院语言学考研真题及参考答案(2008)
版权页: 插图: 2. Culture is a semiotic meaning system in which symbols function to communicate meaning from one mind to another. It is related to language in such a way that language is a part of culture and a part of human behavior, and also the primary medium for transmitting much of culture. Therefore, without language, culture would not be possible. Consequently, when studying a culture, we often rely on the language. Therefore, we may use our own language to describe the target culture,which may be the one interpretation of the statement "In studying other cultures, we do so from the perspective of our own culture. " What's more, when studying other cultures, we will definitely come across the differences between the target culture and our own culture. We will subconsciously compare the two different cultures. Seeing from the perspective of our own culture, we find how the target culture is different from our own culture, and this makes the target culture more distinctive from our own. 3. (1) The English present perfect tense is to express the idea that although an action or state happened (or started to happen) in the past, it has some connection with the present. It may be that the (present) result of the action is more important than the action itself. Alternatively, we may be infemng that the action is important, but the time when it occurred is not. ( 2) I may probably choose the top-down approach to lead the students to the recognition of this tense. First, I will list out a group of sentences that are all in the present perfect tense, and make the students generalize the general feature in the form of those sentences, and figure out the basic construction of the present perfect tense, that is "have/has + done". Second, to make the students clear about the conditions in which the present perfect tense canuse, I would tum to pictures to explain the sentences listed out in the lst step; therefore, thestudents can find out the use of this tense in a more visual way. Third, considering the possibility that the students may mix up the present perfect tense with the past tense, I would help students figure out their differences. In this step, pairs of sentences with present perfect tense and past simple tense respectively would be listed out, and accompanying them would be the time axis, which could distinguish the different referring of the two different tenses. The students would found out the differences themselves with the help of the time axis. Fourth, I would create a situation for the students to practice: two friends who haven' t seeneach other for a long time and just met each other. I would encourage the students to make up a dialogue based on such a situation, trying to use the present perfect tense in the places where they think it is appropriate to use it. After students show their dialogue to the class, the class would be asked to decide whether the use of that tense is appropriate according to what they expressed. 4. The misuse shows a separation of the abstract grammatical rules from the everyday use of language. The core of the teaching method above could be said as the habit formation through repetition. This method seems to concem only the formation and performance of habits but not problemsolving. As a result, the students may only know the form, but not know when and where this form is used, which is essential to the actual use of language. This type of teaching reveals the defect of the traditional grammar teaching, that is, it concentrates only on the grammatical forms and the meaning of individual words, whereas the meaning of the whole sentence is thought to be self-evident. Therefore, in conscious training, students may be able to use a grammatical structure correctly, while in the spontaneous and subconscious speech, they may still fail to take the structure into consideration. In other words, they may not know how to use that specific form or expression in adaily communication. The fact that this teaching method is not perfect does not mean that there is no need to teach the grammar. Therefore, it would be inappropriate to label such a lesson as a waste of time. It is true that the students should be taught how to produce appropriate utterances given a communicative situation, yet, they have to know the correct form first, which is greatly related to grammar. It is generally agreed grammar has its due value in language leaming. What's more, there can be some improvements to this lesson. It would be appreciated to add the communicative-oriented tasks in it, which will make the students understand more clearly the situations where the pattem is supposed to be used, and also help the students apply them to the spontaneous communication.
这本书很管用 里面有详细的答案解析 很多人觉得只买卷子看看考什么题就行了 那是不对的 因为很多时候你以为的答案和每个学校要求的答案范围是不一样的 同样的一道简答题 有的学校只需要写出基本意思即可 有的学校就要求必须加上举例说明等等 所以 有答案详解的书很实用(这都是本人考研时的经验和教训之谈啊 无偿献给大家了^ ^)
考研用的 很好 会对我有很大的帮助
书不错,很经典,历年 真题,讲解很详细,到货也很快
还好啦 不过没怎么用上这本书
这本书还不错 我挺喜欢的
各高校题目多半只更新到2011年的 答案仅供参考