李贞 编
“汉语宝葫芦系列”是一套针对初、中级汉语水平的来华留学生或在海外学习汉语的读者编写的语言学习读物。整个系列包括《生活汉语随学随用》、《旅游汉语随学随用》、《商务汉语随学随用》、《恋爱汉语随学随用》和(604个汉字》共5册书。整个系列特别注重语言的实用性、交际性和趣味性,并且按普通话实际发音配有MP3光盘。 《生活汉语随学随用》以日常生活为主题,内容涉及基本社交类、生存类、社会活动类、个人信息类、描述和表达五方面,较全面地介绍了日常生活中实用性较强的汉语句型和词语,另外向读者提供了一些典型的语法项目和常用俗语,以丰富读者的日常交际语言。
一、基本社交类 1.打招呼 2.告别/送别 3.问候 4.介绍 5.感谢 6.道歉 7.谁都会遇到这样的事 8.邀请或拒绝邀请 9.祝贺 10.赠送 ……二、生存类三、社会活动类四、个人信息类五、描述和表达
《生活汉语 随学随用》Easy Daily Chinese Easy Daily Chinese focuses on topics of everyday life, and contains 5modules: basic social encounters, survivals, social activities, personal information, describing and expressing. It gives an comprehensive introduction to Chinese sentence patterns and expressions with strong practicability and provides some typical grammatical items and common sayings to promote readers' everday communicative ability. Although it tries to cover all daily basic expressions, there could be negligence inevitably. Advice is appreciated for further revision.