蔡章兵 主编,蔡章兵,王大明 分册主编
选材新颖时效性强 多以最近半年国内外发生的重大事件为选材依据,内容新颖,时效性强。 名师主笔权威预测 由多所国家级示范中学和省级示范中学的特高级教师联合编写,充分体现考试动态,紧密追踪命题趋势。 课标话题题材广泛 选材紧扣课标话题,题材涵盖新闻时事、科普知识、人物故事、文化风俗、体育休闲等。 设题合理题型多样 试题设置紧密契合中高考要求,“阅读选择+完形填空+任务型阅读”多方面、多角度提高阅读技能。 活页设计操作灵活 内容按周次设计,活页编排,既有利于教师课堂检测,又适合学生课后自测,操作灵活方便,节时高效。
Week One 新闻与时事时文阅读Week Two 媒体与广告时文阅读Week Three 科普与小品时文阅读 Week Four 人文与地理时文阅读Week Five 人物与故事时文阅读Week Six 文化与风俗时文阅读Week Seven 体育与休闲时文阅读Week Eight 生活与哲理时文阅读长难句注释参考答案
An accidental discovery has brought seismologists (地震学家) one step closer to being able to predict earthquakes. As part of an unrelated effort to measure underground changes caused by shifts in barometric pressure,a team of researchers found that increases insubterranean (地下的) pressure came before earthquakes along Californias San Andreas Fault byas much as 10 hours. If follow-up tests advance the findings, seismologists (地震学家) may eventually be able to provide a few hours notice for people to find a safe haven prior to quakes. As the horrificimages from China demonstrate, the effort is well worth the alternative. "Predicting earthquakes is the final goal for seismologists," says Fenglin Niu, there search teams lead author and a Rice University seismologist. "This is a start." The research team theorizes that the immensea mount of pressure building along the Fault causes mall cracks within the rock during the final hours before an earthquake, increasing rock density and slowing the transmission signals. "The morecracks you have, the slower the seismic velocity (震波速度) will be," says study co-author Paul Silver,a geophysicist with the Carnegie Institution ofWashington. Still unknown is whether there is any significance to the fact that the magnitude-3(三级) quake had a much longer pre-seismic signal than the lower-magnitude quake, or whether it wassimply because its magnitude was larger and itsepicenter (震中) closer to the sensors. If scientists can flesh out the new findingsduring future earthquakes a two-year study at the same seismically active location begins thisSeptember-it could form the basis of a vastlyim proved early-warning system for quakes. Currentearthquake-warning systems give just a fewseconds notice because they find only P-waves,the fast-moving seismic waves that precede the more destructive waves released during a quake.Upgrading to a seismic stress meter (压力仪),however, is still a long wav off.
本套图书以“练”为主,讲练结合,并且按周次设计,非常符合课堂学习的需要;另外,题型多样,体现了中高考的命题趋势。 ——李俊和(北京四中英语组组长,特级教师) 洞悉中高考趋势,优选创新材料;练习层次高,针对性强;科学解析试题,点拨解题关键。 ——张石山(全国优秀教师、特级教师) 本套图书选材新颖,体现英语阅读内容生活化和原汁原味的特点,紧扣社会热点话题,题材和体裁设置全面,文章长度和试题难度与中高考试题同步。 ——段永华(湖北高级教师)
奥巴马与申奥城市芝加哥 预报地震的新思路 埃及景观游 神奇的日本稻田 便捷实惠的网上购物 睡眠时间 儿童良好的业余爱好 印度推出太阳能发电计划 澳大利亚研制出长久保鲜苹果 职业母亲与孩子健康情况 每个年级每个学期出版2本 全年6个年级共推出24本
高考-埃及景观游-活页英语时文阅读理解-No.4 PDF格式下载
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