民族关系/Ethnic Relations
(美)塞罗妮-隆,周建新 主编
As the organizer of the 16th IUAES
World Congress, The Chinese Union of Anthropological and
Ethnological Sciences (CUAES) decided to edit and publish
"Anthropology and Ethnology Today Series"--the paper collection
series of the above sub-disciplines or research fields, for
example, Physical Anthropology, Molecular Anthropology, Migration
Anthropology, Museum and Cultural Heritage, Nomadic Peoples
Studies, Linguistic Anthropology, Medical Anthropology, and Ethnic
Culture Studies. We hope that the scholars from different parts of
the world can share with all the achievements in the book series of
this congress.
编者:(美国)塞罗妮-隆(E.L.Cerroni-Long) 周建新
1.Introduction: Ethnicity and Ethnic Relatio
2.Ethnic Conflict and State Intervention: Colonialism in Motion
3.Risk of Art and Art of Risk: Korean Immigrant Artists in Russia,
USA and Japan
4.Crossing Boundaries: Ethnicity and Islamic Conveion in Belgium
5.Inter-Ethnic Marriages in Korea
6.Ethnic Solidarity: Westernization and Nationalism in Japan
7.Chuukese Migration to Guam: Toward Anthropological/Organizational
8.Forest Land Allocation for Ethnic Minorities in Mountainous Areas
of VietNam: An Anthropological Pepective
9.Media Reception and Preservation of Ethnic Culture: A Case Study
of the "Sea Gypsy" Peoples of Southern Thailand
10. Culture and Ethnicity Theory
版权页:插图:These five sets of issues seem to require the most urgent attention, and anthropologicalresearch on ethnicity can contribute very substantially to answering some of the questionsrelated to such issues. Above all, ongoing developments in ethnicity research continue tocall attention to the need for some synthesizing analyses of the ethnographic evidencewhich has been collected in a number of settings, and for the establishment of a theoreticalapproach which is universally applicable, thus fulfilling the scientific aspirations ofanthropology as a discipline. While the current influence of historicism is a welcome disciplinary corrective for theexcesses of postmodernism, it may also be felt that it confines researchers to the discussionof case studies so specific that no contribution to anthropological theory can actually derivefrom the study of ethnicity. This is disproved by the efforts of those scholars who areactually focusing on the ethnic phenomenon to better understand how it relates to culture,and, through this understanding, hope to develop better theories of human behavior. Ourdiscipline has been recently undergoing a thorough internal critique of its validity, both interms of the products it generates——-ethnographies——and in terms of the main researchmethods it employs——participant observation and the collection of oral and materialexpressions. When anthropological methods are applied to the study of socially marginalgroups, which are often the ones whose ethnicity is perceived as problematic——issues ofexploitation come to the fore. This, in turn, calls attention to the need for establishing amore balanced reciprocity in our relationship with the communities we study. Achievingthis objective may require exploring and understanding just that cultural content ofethnicity which the situationists have called attention away from, and which theprimordialists had sweepingly reduced to psychological atavism. The time may be ripe for the development of anthropological theories of etlmicity thatrather than focusing on "how" or "why" ethnic identity is used, attempt instead to examine''what" goes into it. In other words, it is time to formulate sociocultural theories of ethnicity.In the process, it is hoped that we may reach a better understanding of what culture is, howit is perpetuated and transmitted, and how cultural differences are negotiated across groups. The study of ethnicity can contribute very crucially to theoretical and methodologicaldevelopments in sociocultural anthropology, and the result of our research on ethnic issueshas great potential for policy application. COER will continue to facilitate thedissemination and exchange of anthropological research on this.