Journal of World
Chapter 1 Time to Reexamine Dumping: Antidumping Law or
Competition Law
1.1 Overview of Antidumping Law
1.1.1 The Etymology of "Dumping"
1.1.2 Legislative Development of Antidumping: Domestic to
1.2 The Proliferation of Antidumping laws and Actions
1.2.1 The Proliferation of Antidumping laws
1.2.2 The Proliferation of Antidumping Actions
1.2.3 New Features of Antidumping Application
1.3 The Problem of Antidumping Law
1.3.1 "Protectionist Abuse" Criticism
1.3.2 Tariff - Like Barrier
1.3.3 "Attractive Features" for Protectionism
1.4 "Antidotes" to Prevent Protectionist Abuse
1.4.1 Further Refining
1.4.2 Reform by Competition
1.5 Antidumping: Time to Go Back to Basics
Chapter 2 Dumping in Economic Theories and Antidumping Law
2.1 Dumping in Economic Theories
2.1.1 The Traditional Dumping Theory of Viner
2.1.2 The Modern Dumping Theory of Willig
2.1.3 Generally Recognized Harmful Dumping:Predatory
2.2 Dumping in the Original Antidumping Law
2.2.1 The U.S.1894 Wilson Act
2.2.2 The U.S.1916 Antidumping Law
2.2.3 The U.S.1921 Antidumping Law
2.2.d Antidumping laws in Other Countries
2.2.5 Antidumping: Anti Cross-border Predatory Price
2.3 Dumping in the International Antidumping Agreement
2.3.1 GATT/WTO: Standardizing Antidumping Law
2.3.2 Basic Common Requirements on Dumping
2.3.3 "Dumping is Harmful" : Self-evident Premise
2.4 Summary
Chapter 3 Predatory Price Discrimination in Economic Theories and
Competition Law
3.1 Predatory Price Discrimination in Economic Theories
3.1.1 Price Discrimination: Primary-line and Secondary-line
3.1.2 Predatory Pricing
3.2 Overview of Competition Law
3.2.1 Consensus on the Basic Competition Principles
3.2.2 Predatory Price Discrimination
3.3 Predatory Price Discrimination in Competition Law
3.3.1 Competition Rules and Cases in the U.S.
3.3.2 Competition Rules and Cases in the EU
Chapter 4 Dumping: Antidumping Law or Competition Law
Chapter 5 Difficulties of Substitution in Practice
Chapter 6 The "Substitution" Debate and the New Users
Chapter 7 Time to Reexamine Dumping: "Trust
Antitrust to Dump Antidumping
Appendix List of Chinese Antidumping Cases (1997-2010)
版权页:插图:The debate of antidumping versus competition is a relatively new but very significant issue. Based on all of the above analysises and examinations from both traditional and new heavy users of antidum-ping, this book argues for putting the issue of dumping under compe-tition rules instead of antidumping rules. The domestic antidumping rules and the WTO Antidumping Agreement should be finally substitu-ted by the harmonized domestic competition rules and their basic standard, i. e. the international competition agreement on predatory price discrimination, all around the world in future.The original and supposed goal of antidumping rules should be the same as that of competition rules. In economic theories, efficiency approach favored by most econmists, suggests that dumping is one kind of transnational price discrimination, and only predatory dum-ping is generally recognized as harmful. As to antidumping law, a jour-ney back to its birth time as well as the following evolvement indicate that, originally antidumping was actually part of antitrust law, to deal with the import price discrimination, and it is only for dealing with these foreign conducts more efficiently that antidumping rules were changed and gradually distinctive from antitrust rules. However, nei-ther the change of special rules nor that of legal areas can be the evi-dence to question the original and supposed justification of antidum-ping.