金碚,李钢 主编
第一篇 宏观经济运行与调控
第1章 新中国经济增长60年曲线的回顾与展望——兼论新一轮经济周期
第2章 大国双引擎增长模式
第3章 国际发展格局中的中国模式
第4章 宏观政策有效性条件、运行机制、效果和复苏后的抉择
第5章 宏观调控目标的“十一五”分析与“十二五”展望
第二篇 工业化与城市化
第6章 工业化进程与财政收支结构的变化
第7章 国际金融危机下中国产业经济发展的思考
第8章 探寻吸引外商投资的新增长点
第9章 新中国成立60年农村制度变迁及其前景判断
第10章 农民工市民化对扩大内需和经济增长的影响
第三篇 财贸与金融
第11章 六十年来的中国财政发展
第12章 人民币国际化:赞同还是反对
第13章 中美储蓄率比较:从核算口径到经济含义
第14章 提高市场化程度是解决中美双边货物贸易失衡的关键
第15章 地方政府间策略互动行为、财政支出竞争与地区经济增长
第四篇 社会保障与就业
第16章 当前中国就业领域的主要矛盾及其对策
第17章 劳动参与率与劳动力增长:1982—2050
第18章 中国新型养老制度的现状及问题
第19章 近年来农民工的经济状况和社会态度
第20章 中国下一个消费巨人:农民工的市民化
第五篇 国际比较
第21章 金砖四国发展模式比较
第22章 科学认识中印经济发展比较
第23章 中国与印度国际竞争力的比较与解释
第24章 三十年改革与中俄转轨路径比较
第25章 中俄两国经济发展模式比较
Salient characteristics of industrial clevelopment in the modern world include: development oftraditional industries based on fossil fuels like oil has peaked; development of high-tech industriesexemplified by electronic information technology is at the prime stage; and development of modernservices represented by financial services has entered an expansion period. The three industries thatredefine the modern economic landscape-the traditional industry ( mainly the industrial sector) ,the high-tech industry (including the industrial and services sectors) and the financial services in-dustry-have become the three pillars of the econoomy. Each of these industries occupies a pivotal po-sition and penetrates or relies on the other. When the global financial crisis broke out, the three in-dustries faced some deep-rooted contradictions: The traditional industry faced increasingly severe resource and environmental constraints. In theface of cost pressures and because of the lack of a flexible mechanism, the traditional industry wassubsequendy transferred from developed countries into developing countries. In the high-tech indus-try , investors were inclined to make riskier short-term investments because of a lack of confidence inlong-term investments due to the absence of an effective business model protecting against the " crea-tive destruction" of technological innovation, even though developed countries possessed technolog-ical advantages. With a high proliferative capacity, the financial services industry expanded rapidlythrough high leverage Lo create a disproportionate expansion in the virtual economy, thereby exacer-bating the systemic risks of the financial system. There were substantial obstacles in front of the three mechanisms underpinning irulustrial devel-opment worldwide: 1) The coexistence of inadequate innovation in some areas and excessive inno-vat.ion in other areas arose, partly from a lack of impetus for industrial innovation because of itsspillover effects and high risks and because of innovators' ability to transfer the risk of failure ( which may lead to excessive innovation in certain areas). Thus, the prospects for breakthrough in-novation in core industrial technologies remained unclear. Meanwhile, enormous investment re- sources were absorbed and increasingly high risks built up in the virt.ual economy; 2) Firms ( par-ticularly super-large firms) cost control capabilities were in decline but their earning power or profit-ability was heavily dependent on capital operations ( mergers, acquisitions, spin-offs, reorgani- zations and securitizations) in the virtual financial economy since the institutional mechanism lackedflexibility. Whenever there is a change in the market environment, the entire economic system might be exposed to serious systemic risks; 3) The traditional and high-tech industries' market penetrationcapabilities lacked adaptability and scalability, making it difficult to cope with the substantial change /n the market demand structure and social ( residential) wealth structure. This was reflected in traditional and high-tech firms' lackluster sales performances and their increasing dependence oncredit expansion. ……
全部是一个很出名的香港经济学杂志上的文章 好像叫经济学参考 还是什么来着 不是我想买的专著 退货了