《帮你学:小学英语阅读阶梯训练100篇(3年级)》要求中小学阶段加强英语阅读训练,培养学生的综合阅读能力,提高阅读速度,扩大词汇量,拓宽知识面,并且明确规定各年级的学生必须完成一定字数的英语课外阅读。 为配合教育部《英语课程标准》的实施,我们组织了一线的英语专家、全国优秀教师联合编写了本套《帮你学小学英语阅读阶梯训练100篇》丛书。 本书收录了100篇短小精悍的短文。这些短文涉及到政治、经济、文化、日常生活等各方面的内容。 丛书在内容编排上按照循序渐进的原则,图文并茂,语言宣观、形象、生动,贴近学生实际生活。短文配有专门设计的阶梯式训练,题型新颖,符合小学生的认知心理学要求,能极大地激发他们的求知欲,调动他们的学习兴趣,培养他们的自主学习能力。本书将引领小读者进入—个丰富多彩、有益实用的英语新世界。
1.A Happy Day2.Mother and Father3.Tom's Name4.1 Like Chinese Food5.Who Pours Ink on My Chair?6.Spring Festival7.Christmas Day8.Teacher's Day9.Mother's Day10.A Happy Sunday11.My Grandfather12.Jack's Parents13.1 Want to Be Father Christmas74.My Favorite Sport75.Asking the Way76.Who Are Cleverer?17.Who is on Duty Today?18.My Favorite Season19.A Clever Fox20.A Stupid Dog27.Happy Song22.Public Numbers23.My English Teacher24.Can You Find Bob?25.Color Changing Plants26.Clothes27.A Shop28.Cats29.A Math Teacher30.A Clever Boy37.Who Is That?32.Halloween33.Sour Grapes34.Tefephone Message35.Different Questions,Same Answer36.Physical Exam37.The Best Present38.A Clever Man Has Little Hair39.A Penfriend40.This lsn't My Car47.Einstein and Chaplin42.A Man and an Old Woman43.The Weather of England ,44.The Longest Word in English45.What's Four and Six?46.You Can't Go Wthout Me47.6-6=?48.A History Question49.A Strange Picture50.The Ass's Shadow51.A Dog or a Person?52.A Day of Barry53.Peter's Room54.About the Moon55.Tom and Jack56.Color the Chickens Red57.Jack's Friend58.David's Family59.Delicious Bird60.A Stupid Man61.A Leave62.Dream Talk63.A Barking Dog64.A Wolf and a Sheep65.Shout for Sweets66.The Rabbit and the Tortoise67.Lie or Not68.Dinner with Friends69.Kelly's Birthday70.Two Mice71.Einstein and His Overcoat72.Camels73.The Same Father74.A Good Way75.What's the Question?76.An Unusual Boss77.A Kind Gorilla78.A Hungry Fox79.Ring the Doorbell80.Only One Cake Left81.How Old Am I?82.It Doesn't Matter 83.The Fly in the Soup84.The Proud Rainbow85.The Twins86.Children's Day87.A Treasure Bowl88.A Beautiful Day89.A Clever Monkey90.Where Are My Glasses?97.Twenty Dollars for Pulling92.A Cat and a Bird93.An Oak Tree94.A Wolf and His Shadow95.Choose Oranges96.Build Blocks97.Foolish Boy98.Two Pictures99.Time to Go to the Park100.Go Shopping参考答案