《空间指示语的实验语用学研究》是认知语言学和语用学跨学科研究的前沿成果,研究方法遵循了心理语言学的研究范式。作者批判了在空间指示语的语义解释中存在的空间距离观,提出了心理空间建构观,并且建立了一个理论框架来解释空间指示语的使用。 《空间指示语的实验语用学研究》作者徐学平指出,决定指示语选择的真正因素是心理距离;空间指示语所表征的远近之意从根本上说具有体验性和图式性。
Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 The preliminary1.2 The special status of demonstratives in language1.3 The rationale for this study1.4 The key research questions of this study1.5 The significance of this study1.6 The organization of the thesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Introduction2.2 Studies of demonstratives in the philosophic approach2.3 Studies of demonstratives in the pragmatic approach2.4 Studies of demonstratives in the discourse analysis approach2.5 Studies of demonstratives in the linguistic approach2.6 Studies of demonstratives in the cognitive approach2.7 A critique of the previous analysis of deixis and demonstratives2.8 SummaryChapter 3 Theoretical Foundations and Research Framework3.1 Introduction3.2 Theoretical Foundations3.3 Research frameworkChapter 4 Experiment 1 : Relationship between Distances and Modes of Pointing and the Choice of Demonstratives4.1 Introduction4.2 Target of research4.3 Hypothesis4.4 Method4.5 Results4.6 DiscussionChapter 5 Experiment 2 : Relationship between Visibility and the Choice of Demonstratives5.1 Introduction5.2 Target of research5.3 Hypothesis5.4 Method5.5 Results5.6 DiscussionChapter 6 Experiment 3 : Relationship between Size and the Choice of Demonstratives6.1 Introduction6.2 Target of research6.3 Hypothesis6.4 Method6.5 Results6.6 DiscussionChapter 7 Experiment 4 : Relationship between Emotions and the Choice of Demonstratives.7.1 Introduction7.2 Target of research7.3 Hypothesis7.4 Method7.5 Results7.6 DiscussionChapter 8 Experiment 5 : Relationship between the Sequence and the Choice of Demonstratives8.1 Introduction8.2 Target of research8.3 Hypothesis8.4 Method8.5 Results8.6 DiscussionChapter 9 Experiment 6 : Relationship between Speaker's or Addressee's Territory and the Choice Of Demonstratives9.1 Introduction9.2 Target of research9.3 Hypothesis9.4 Method9.5 Results9.6 DiscussionChapter 10 General Discussion10.1 Introduction10.2 The factors influencing the speaker's choice of spatial demonstratives10.3 The nature of the relationship between distance and spatial demonstratives10.4 A theoretical framework for the situational use of spatial demonstratives10.5 The physio-psychological bases for the mental space building view10.6 The advantages of the mental space building view of spatial demonstratives10.7 Implications for the relationship between cognition, language and realityChapter 11 Conclusions, Limitations, and Suggestions for Future Research11.1 Introduction11.2 Conclusions11.3 Limitations11.4 Suggestions for future researchAppendix A The Results of DCT (A) ( with the Instruction: Fill in the blank with one word)Appendix B The Results of DCT ( B ) ( with the Instruction: Fill in the blank with zhe or na )Appendix C The Results of Experiment 1Appendix D The Results of Experiment 2Appendix E Tasks about the Size and the SequenceAppendix F Tasks about TerritoriesAppendix G Tasks about the Emotions and the SequenceReferences
《空间指示语的实验语用学研究》从认知-体验视角研究汉语空间指示语“这”、“那”、“这里”、“那里”在具体情境中的使用,即它们的外指用法。以往的研究过多关注内指用法,而对貌似简单的外指用法忽视甚多。 本研究采用认知-体验视角不仅揭示了空间距离观在解释空间指示语的语义时所表现出的不足和不严密性,而且拓宽了研究指示现象的方法,从理论上加深了对指示现象的认识。