

刘强 编 北京教育出版社





刘强 编  




  《1+1轻巧夺冠·优化训练:英语(8年级上)(外研版起始)(银版·卓越版)》以现行最新教材为蓝本,以最新考纲方案为导向,采用新颖体例,全面全程跟踪课堂教学。习题的设置注重突出实用性,关注学生的思维发展过程,难易适度,注重对技能的培养,有利于理解能力的提高。  以单元为单位,将训练题按难易程度分四个梯度设计:基础巩固题、强化提高题、课外延伸题、中考链接题。既抓住了中考的核心部分--基础题,又兼顾了高分部分--能力题。  题目设计精良,体现实践、综合、创新能力,对中考能力题型设计进行了科学的探索和最新的预测,准确把握中考动向,紧跟先进教育理念。设题风格典型性强,仿真性高,注重原创题设计。


卷首语Module l Welcome Back!Unit 1 Where are you from?Unit 2 Today is our first day at school after the holidaysUnits 3~4 I'm good at English.&There are fifty-seven students in my class综合检测题Module 2 National Day HolidaysUnit 1 We'll go to Hong KongUnit 2 We'll spend five days hereUnits 344 On Monday morning.I'11 go to the market & Katie will be very busy this Sunday. 综合检测题Module 3Computers and the InternetUnit 1 Tomorrow we'll go into the Computer RoomUnit 2 Will you sit down.please?Units 3~4 YOU will have an English test next week& I'll find you some nice books综合检测题Module 4 ChangesUnit 11 was very youngUnit 2 Kunling was a beautiful placeUnits 3~4 They weren't old then.&We weren'thappy then but we're happy now综合检测题Module 5 My Visit to the USAUnit 1 HOW is the USA,Grandma?Unit 2 He visited Los Angeles Units 3~4 Jim travelled to the USA for his holiday & This morning。1 walked to school. 综合检测题Module 6 Seeing a FilmUnit 11 went to the cinemaUnit 2 The film was about a boy called BobUnits 3~4 Li Qing watered the plants.&On Sunday, Mary went to the cinema综合检测题Module 7 Past ActicitiesUnit 1 What did you do?Unit 2 What did you do today?Units 3~4 I helped my mum.& Feifei's uncle arrivedfrom Canada on Friday afternoon综合检测题第1学期期中测试题Module 8 ShoppingUnit 1 This one is cheaperUnit 2 The long coat isn't as small as the short coatUnits 3~4 Toys 4U is older than Tim's Toys&It's smaller than her cousin's bike综合检测题Module 9 GeographyUnit 1 China is the biggest country in AsiaUnit 2 Liu Hong worked the hardestUnits 3~4 Shanghai is the biggest city in China&The Great Wall of China is the longestwall in the world. 综合检测题Module 10 SportsUnit 1 I think table tennis is more interesting thanvolleyballUnit 2 We play a lot of sports at my sch001Units 3~4 Carly is the shortest.& The red shoes aremore expensive than the white ones综合检测题Module 11 Asking the WayUnit 1 Can you tell me how to get to Tian'anmen Square?Unit 2 I'm looking for the National MuseumUnits 3~4 Do you know where the station is?&Start at the entrance综合检测题Module 12 RulesUnit 1 You can't park your bike here! Unit 2 You must be quiet in the libraryUnits 3~4 YOU mustn't talk in the library.&We canwear our home clothes!综合检测题Module 13 Wmern Festivalsunit 1 Festivals unit 2 The stories of ChristmasUnits 3~4 Christmas shopping & Holidays around the world综合检测题Module 14 Festive SeasonsUnit 1 What do you do on New Year's Eve?Unit 2 Why do we celebrate the Spring Festival?Units 344 Christmas around the world&New Year'sDay around the world综合检测题第1学期期末测试题参考答案参考答案及解析




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