刘强 编
卷首语Unit I Life on Mars1.1 Comic Strip1.2 Welcome to the unit and Reading+1.3 Vocabulary1.4 Grammar1.5 Integrated skills1.6 Study Sills1.7 Main task第一单元综合测试Unit 2 Robots2.1 Comic Strip2.2 Welcome to the unit and Reading 2.3 Vocabulary2.4 Grammar2.5 Integrated skills2.6 Pronunciation2.7 Main task第二单元 综合测试第二学期期中测试题Unit 3 Asia3.1 Comic strip3.2 Welcome to the unit and Reading3.3 Vocabulary3.4 Grammar3.5 Integrated skills3.6 Study skills3.7 Main task第三单元 综合测试Unit 4 Great people4.1 Comic strip4.2 Welcome to the unit and Reading4.3 Vocabulary4.4 Grammar4.5 Integrated skills4.6 Study skills4.7 Main task第四单元 综合测试第二学期期末测试题参考答案参考答案及解析