第1版 (2007年11月1日)
《美丽英文第2辑:简单生活》是一部简单生活的指南,编者希望通过每一篇文章,每一段文字,每一个字眼,把简单生活的真谛传递给读者。简单生活,并不意味着是贫苦、简陋的生活、它是经过深思熟虑后,呈现真实自我,过上目标明确的生活,是一种丰富、健康、和谐、悠闲的生活方式…… 这是一部简单生活的指南,编者希望通过每一篇文章,每一段文字,每一个字眼,把简单生活的真谛传递给读者。化繁为简,简单就是美,简单就是福。生活简单才能拥有更多的自由,才不会被生活所奴役。过简单生活,虽然放弃了很多,但你会因舍而得,得到的是健康、快乐与自由。 如果你是一名大、中学生,阅读《简单生活》可以提高历史和文学素养,开阔视野,陶冶情操。 如果你是一位英语爱好者,阅读《简单生活》可以一睹这些杰作的原文风采。 如果你是一位翻译爱好者,阅读《简单生活》可以将原文和译文对比推敲,欣赏佳译。 如果你是一名文学爱好者,阅读《简单生活》可以从优美的文字中感受自然,体味人生。
第一卷 学会生活在此时此刻Learn to Live in the Present Moment热爱生活Love Your Life工作和娱乐Work and Pleasure想想好事情Try to Remember the Good Things活出个性An Identity of Ones Own让自己轻松一刻Give Yourself a Break清理心灵空间Clear Your Mental Space品味现在Relish the Moment学会生活在此时此刻Learn to Live in the Present Moment无知常乐Ignorance Make One Happy美丽人生Beauty做你自己Do Things for Himself论闲散On Idleness过平静生活的代价是什么What Is the Price of Personal Peace充满活力愉快地生活To Be Full of Energy,joy and Life阴郁的日子The Blue Day感触美丽Feeling Beauty喜悦的能力The Faculty of Delight我喜欢这种淡淡的感觉I Like the Subtle Feeling飘逸而行Go Easy and Enjoy Yourself in Harmony就为了今天Just for Today想想你所拥有的Think More about What You Hare自由飞翔Free to Soar彼岸无尽头。知足才常乐“There”Is No Better Than“Here”第二卷 别让快乐远离我们Dont Let Happiness Run Away From Us自由如歌的快乐On Pleasure幸福之道The Road to Happiness快乐之门The Happy Door做一个乐观者Be an Optimist我们对幸福的追求Our Pursuit of Happiness别让快乐远离我们Don’t Let Happiness Run Away From Us感受快乐Ten Ways to Happiness幸福的真谛The Essence of Happiness生活的乐趣The joy of Living排遣压力,享受生活12 Ways to Minimize Stress幸福生活的建议Good Advice to Help You Live Happily金钱能买到幸福吗Does Money Buy Happiness我们在享受快乐吗Are We Having Fun Yet幸福Happiness选择乐观Choose Optimism快乐真言A Simple Truth about Happiness快乐法则Five Simple Rules幸福是一种感觉Blessed幸福箴言On Happmess请喝杯茶A Cup ofTea步行的乐趣The Pleasure of Walking幸福就在我们身边Happiness Is All Around Us幸福在哪里Where Is Happiness第三卷 生活是一所全日制学校A Fall-time School Called Life生命的启示Instructions for Life感悟生活Word of Wisdom生命Life人生絮语Moving Thoughts平和的心态A Good Measure of Equanmfity我的生活真的那么糟吗Is My Life Real Bad生活给我上的一课A Lesson ofLife体验生活Expenence Life草草行事的重要性The lmportance of Doing Things Badl做自己情绪的主人Today I Will be Master ofMy Emofio Is让内心的灯指引你Allow Your Own Inner Light to Guide You保持平静小贴士Tips for Staying Calm论宁静的心境On Peace ofMind生活是一所全日制学校A Full-time Sch001 Called Life一生的收获Catch of a Lifetime生活Life生活的课堂A Lesson in Life人生之道For Success in Life和自己交谈的力量Power of Self-talk重新定义自己Redefine Yourself聆听心灵Listen to Your Inner Voice打造自己的生活How to Build Your Life生活半对半The 50-Percent Theory of Lire
To go on a journey is often worrisome, but so long as one lives he proceeds on hislifes journey. Different people go along differently. Some take hasty steps inanxiety. Obsessed with reaching the next goal in time, they spare no time for sight-seeingalong the way, nor do they have a clear view where their long roads end.Others travelleisurely like tourists. They would take time off now and then for a look at blooming flowersor fallen petals. They would stop to admire clouds gathering and dispersing. Even whenthey go against the wind or are caught in the rain, they never get annoyed, for worries slip offtheir minds as if from an open net. Cramped is ones workplace. Narrow is ones residence and small is the social circleone moves about——such limitedness in space entail lack of variety which is the source ofsome people s complaint. But a person is always able to find peace and comfort if he takesthings as they are. Compared with the vastness of the universe it is only a tiny spot one oc-cupies on earth. However, though larger than the ocean is the sky, even larger is the humanmind, for in it imagination would come and go on the wing without limitations. One may eventually win what he has set his mind to, only to find that he has lost quitea lot. Perhaps what he loses is even better than what he gains. On ones journey of life some people hurry on with a heavy heart in pursuit of fameand wealth while others go easy and enjoy themselves in harmony with nature.
在浩渺的大千世界中,每个人都仅有一次生存的机会:它是无与伦比、不可挽回的。如果你真正读懂了《美丽英文第2辑:简单生活》,如果你真正意识到了这一点,你就会懂得,人生在世,活出自己的独特个性和渤味是最重要的…… 《别让快乐远离我们》 获取真正快乐的首要一步就是减少忧虑——这关键的第一步能让我们远离忧虑。它要求我们勇于接受毫无预想的一切,坦然面对生活中的所有烦恼……《我们对幸福的追求》 对我们而言,幸福是复杂多样的,但获得幸福的方式却是相同的。幸福不是发生在我们周围的事,而是我们如何去看待周围发生的事。这是变不利为有利,化挫折为激励的秘诀……《生活是一所全日制学校》 若想拥有平和的心态,就不可存有悲观厌世的心态。过于计较世事的不公,容易自轻自贱,从而发现不了自己的独特之处。因受愤世嫉俗、懊恼烦闷的情绪干扰,你也许会错过许多自己该学的课程……