上篇 听力短文Part Ⅰ 听力短文的命题特点与应试策略Part Ⅱ 听力短文模拟训练Test 1Test 2Test 3Test 4Test 5Test 6Test 7Test 8Test 9Test 10Test 11Test 12下篇 听力填空Part Ⅰ 听力填空的命题特点与应试策略Part Ⅱ 复合式听写模拟训练Test 1Test 2Test 3Test 4Test 5Test 6Test 7Test 8Test 9Test 10Test 11Test 12Part Ⅲ 参考答案与精细学习
Thousands of years ago in Egypt, kings built the pyramids. They used to buildthem as their (39) ______ would help them find life after death. They also wanted the world to remember them as important people. Some pyramids were for(40) ______ . But they are less interesting because they are not as big. The oldest (41) ______ that we know today is the pyramid near Sahara in Egypt. It isabout 5,000 years old. There are many pyramids along the Nile River. The largestis the pyramid of Khufu. It is made of two million three hundred thousand hugestones, most of them higher than a person. It is about 144 meters (42) ______Inside the pyramid are the burial rooms for the king and queen and long passageways to these rooms, the rest of the pyramid solid stone. Workers usually built thepyramids when they could not work on their farms. To build the pyramid of Khufu,100,000 men worked for 20 years. (43) ______in the pyramids. Robbers went into the pyramids and took manyof these treasures. Today some of the treasures are in museums though.
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