

初中自主学习课时训练丛书编写组 浙江文艺出版社









  国各地深入地进行着,根据课程标准编写的各种版本的教科书给我们带来了许多新的教育观念和气息。为了使“促进每一位学生的发展”这一新课程的理念落到实处,帮助学生提高学习效率,牢固掌握基础知识和基本技能,增强思维能力,我们组织有丰富教学经验的骨干教师编写了这套《初中自主学习课时训练》丛书。  《初中自主学习课时训练:初2英语(上)(外研版)》根据外语教学与研究出版社出版的《英语》(新标准)教科书(初中二年级上册)编写而成,《初中自主学习课时训练:初2英语(上)(外研版)》以模块为单位,每个模块分“unit1”、“Unit2”和“Unit3”,并给出相应的练习题,以帮助学生巩固该单元所学的知识。另外,在学完每个模块之后,都根据该模块的学习目标,安排一次“模块测试题”,以便学生检测该模块学习目标的达成情况。  本丛书力求体现新课程的基本理念,紧密联系生活实际,突出自主探究,着力培养学生的学习能力,提高学生的学习兴趣。


Module 1 How to learn EnglishModule 2 ExperiencesModule 3 Journey to spaceModule 4 EducationModule 5 Western musicModule 6 A famous storyRevision module A期中测试题Module 7 Feelings and impressionsModule 8 Around townModule 9 Animals in dangerModule 10 Lao She’S TeahouseModule 11 The weatherModule 12 Traditional lifeRevision module B期末测试题参考答案


  三、阅读理解  In the universe,there is the sun,the moon,the earth and many Stars.Through our geography lessons,we know the earth goes around the sun,and the moon goes around the earth.We have day and night because the earth keeps turning all the time.When our part of the earth turns to the sun,it is day.When our part of the earth turns away from the sun,it is night.Just because the moon is closer to the earth than the sun,it looks much bigger than the sun.  The sun is bright enough to give out very strong light.The moon cannot give any light at all,but it looks very bright,too.Why?In fact,the 1ight from the moon comes from the sun.There are many other planets in the uni-verse.All of them go around the sun.But of all these planets,only on the earth there are living things and people can only live on the earth,too.But at 9:00am,on October 15th 2003,Chinese pilot Yang Li wei was sent up to space.He went around the earth 14 times in 2 1 hours.It was the first time for Chinese to get into space.  ()1.We find the sun——than the moon because it is——to us.  A.bigger;farther  B.smaller;closer  C.bigger;closer  D.smaller;farther  ()2.When our part of the earth turns away from the sun the other part of the earth is——.  A.night  B.day  C.evening  D.Sunday  ()3.People and living things can 1ive on the——.  A.earth  B Mars  C.moon  D.sun  ()4.It took Yang——to travel around the earth every circle(圈).  A.6 hours  B.4 hours  C.1.5 hours  D.21 hours  ()5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?  A.The moon goes around the earth,and it cannot give out any light at a11.  B.The moon goes around the sun,and its light is from the sun.  C.The earth goes around the moon,and people can only live on theearth.  D.0f all the planets,only the earthtravel around the sun.    Unit 3  一、 单项选择  ()1.Mr Li has——to Sydney.He will——Shanghai tomorrow.  A.gone;return  B.gone;return to  C been;return  D.been;return to  ()2.Scientists have sent lots of——into space.  A.spacecrafts  B.spacecraft  C.spaceship  D.space shuttle  ()3.The fruit is——my reach.  A.beyond  B.out off  C.outside  D.has been  ()4.The movie is very exciting.I——never——so good a movie before.  A.have;seen  B.did;see  C.am;seeing  D.haven’t:seen  ()5.1 won’t go to the concert because I——my ticket.  A.lost  B.don’t lose  C.have lost  D.didn’t lose


  与现行浙江教材同步  课时练习  A B模式  作业范本  师生共求  方便 难度把握准确 老师无需找题  轻松 实用 高效 学生无需抄题




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