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English Thesis Writing has been prescribed as a required course by The National Syllabus for English Majors in China's Colleges and Uni-versities, the purpose of which is to help college students understand the nature of scientific research and to teach them how to write a gradu-ation thesis or research papers, possibly for a better extension in their future academic career. In order to meet these demands, some experi-enced teachers who have taught this course for many years have assem-bled to write A Handbook of English Thesis Writing, aiming at guiding students with specific step-by-step instructions.
Chapter 1 English Thesis Writing: An Introduction
1.1 The needs for thesis writing
1.2 Paper, thesis or dissertation?
1.3 Ways to classify English theses
1.3.1 By academic degrees
1.3.2 By research disciplines
1.3.3 By research methods
1.3.4 By research topics
1.4 Standards of a good English thesis
1.5 Eyes on a well-written thesis
1.5.1 Attention to pre-writing
1.5.2 Attention to in-writing
1.5.3 Attention to re-writing
Chapter questions
Chapter 2 The Writing Process of English Thesis
2.1 Locating a topic
2.1.1 Tracing personal interests
2.1.2 Seeking advice
2.1.3 Brainstorming
2.1.4 Self-questioning
2.2 Specifying the topic
2.2.1 Library research
2.2.2 Forming research questions
2.3 Writing a research proposal
2.3.1 The definition of "research proposal"
2.3.2 Components of a research proposal
2.4 Outlining
2.4.1 Types of outline
2.4.2 General rules for outlining
2.5 Putting pen to paper
2.5.1 Taking notes
2.5.2 Drafting
2.5.3 Revising
Chapter questions
Chapter 3 Elements of English Graduation Thesis
3.1 Title page
3.1.1 The included information
3.1.2 Thesis title
3.2 Abstract
3.2.1 Types of abstract
3.2.2 Models of abstract
3.2.3 Writing an abstract
3.3 Table of contents
3.3.1 MLA listing style
3.3.2 APA listing style
3.4 Introduction
3.4.1 Models of Introduction
3.4.9 Writing an introduction
3.5 Thesis body
3.5.1 "Literature review"
3.5.2 "Theoretical background""
3.5.3 "Methods"
3.5.4 "Results"
3.5.5 "Discussion"
3.5.6 Other organizational patterns
3.6 Conclusion
3.6.1 Models of conclusion
3.6.2 Writing a conclusion
3.7 Other indispensable elements
3.7.1 "Bibliography", "Works Cited" or "References"
3.7.2 Acknowledgements
3.7.3 Appendices
Chapter questions
Chapter 4 Documenting Styles and Mechanics
4.1 General information on documentation
4.2 The Chicago Manual of Style
4.2.1 The Notes-Bibliography system
4.2.2 The in-text author-date system
4.3 MLA style
4.3.1 In-text citation format
4.3.2 MLA "Works Cited" format
4.4 APA style
4.4.1 Parenthetical citations in text
4.4.2 APA "References" format
4.5 An eclectic style
4.6 Technical matters
4.6.1 Title capitalization
4.6.2 Abbreviation and italics
4.6.3 Numbers and punctuations
4.6.4 Tables and figures
Chapter questions
Chapter 5 Language Features of English Theses
5.1 Lexical features
5.1.1 Professional words
5.1.2 Formal style
5.1.3 Precision and clarity
5.1.4 "Economical principle" in thesis title
5.2 Syntactical features
5.2.1 Full, long and complex sentences
5.2.2 Simple present tense and passive voice
5.2.3 Academic sentence structures
5.3 Discoursal features
Chapter questions
Chapter 6 Research Methodology: An Overview
6.1 Definitions of research
6.1.1 Definitions
6.1.2 The aims of research
6.1.3 Steps of research process
6.2 Classifications of research
6.2.1 Types
6.2.2 The parameters
6.3 Qualitative research and quantitative research
6.3.1 Qualitative research
6.3.2 Quantitative research
6.3.3 Distinctions between qualitative and quantitative
6.3.4 An eclectic approach
6.4 Survey study
6.4.1 Types of surveys
6.4.2 Procedures of surveys
6.4.3 Comments on survey study
6.4.4 An example of a survey questionnaire
6.5 Experimental research
6.5.1 Basic concepts
6.5.2 Procedures: Five steps
6.5.3 Comments on experimental research
6.6 Case study
6.6.1 Introduction and definition
6.6.2 Procedures: Six steps
6.6.3 Comments on case study
Chapter 7 Oral Defense
Chapter 8 Sample of Graduation Thesis and Grading Remarks
At most Chinese colleges or universities, undergraduates majoringEnglish language and literature are required of writing an academicthesis in English upon graduation. However, it is not an easy job formost native English-speaking university students to do this, let aloneChinese college students. Writing an academic paper is a ratherdemanding task even for most successful language learners in anylanguage learning context. Realizing these facts, one might ask- whatmakes academic writing so difficult? Is there any specific guidance forreference? These questions had become the original intentions of thisbook. Graduation thesis writing, as is in the case of ritual composition and literary writing, is a tough mental activity and of great importance. It is particularly true with thesis writing in English which is believed to be a daunting challenge for non-native speakers of English. Though it shares a lot with other styles of English writing, it has its own unique functions, characteristics and demands due to its peculiarity in writing purpose, readership, content and style of writing.
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