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《黄冈密卷:高中英语(选修7、8)(RJ)》秉承“黄冈标准”和“课程标准”的双重理念,对黄冈地区众多一线名师的教学、教研、教改进行经验总结,系统实用,有一定的梯度和难度。它通过挖掘教材深层信息,架设由已知、经可知、达未知的桥梁,进行思维与灵魂的对话。博采众家之长,自成完整体系。体例创新,具有科学性:题型新颖,具有趣味性;内容注重实践,回归生活。以考带练,拓展知识,发散思维,点拨思路,举一反三,有效提高学习效率。 《黄冈密卷:高中英语(选修7、8)(RJ)》由全国100多位特级教师、状元名师精心编写,是荟萃新课标训练及考试的最新力作,融入了全国教育考试“十一五”新课标高考质量标准研究的前沿成果。试卷经30余所学校测试,题题精彩,卷卷出众。培养敏锐题感,提升解题能力,被使用学校誉为势如破竹的考试训练工具! 《黄冈密卷:高中英语(选修7、8)(RJ)》针对单元、模块内容的特点,独创全新的分层递进考试训练模式,被许多专家评为“全新训练思想,状元迎考方案”。适度的训练和变式的测试被誉为“记忆的高效训练工具”。专家制定的“训练-考点-记忆”个性化训练方案,能激发您的应试潜能,全面破解考试法则!
第一部分 单元分级检测卷Unit 1Living well单元检测卷(A级)Living well单元检测卷(B级)Unit 2Robots单元检测卷(A级)Robots单元检测卷(B级)Unit 3 Under the sea单元检测卷Unit 4 Sharing单元检测卷Unit 5 Travelling abroad单元检测卷Unit 6 A land of diversity单元检测卷Unit 7Cloning单元检测卷(A级)Cloning单元检测卷(B级)Unit 8 Inventors and inventions单元检测卷Unit 9 Pygmalion单元检测卷Unit 10 Meeting your ancestors单元检测卷第二部分 综合能力评估卷综合1 名词性从句、状语从句测评卷综合2 非谓语动词、定语从句测评卷第三部分 模块终结测试卷测试1 学业水平考试试题测试2 高考水平考试试题参考答案
B Bill Melendez,91,an Emmy Award-winning animator(动画片制作者) who transformed the two-dimensional drawings of the Peanuts comic strip into some of the most beloved cartoon characters on television and film,died Sept 2 at St. John's Health Center in Santa Monica,Calif. The cause of death was not reported. Mr. Melendez. who began his career at the Hollywood animation studios of Walt Disney and Wamer Bros,found tus greatest fame as the animator of A Charlie Brown Christmas. The Great Pumpkin and dozens of other Peanuts Presentations. With producer Lee Mendelson, Mr. Melendez formed a 43-year partnership that has generated more than 70 Peanuts productions,including four feature films. He also animated more than 370 commercials using Peanuts characters and remains the only animator Charles M. Schulz trusted to bring his famous comic strip figures to life. Success was hardly assured when the first Peanuts special,a Charlie Brown Christmas, was broadcast by CBS in 1965. Network executives feared it would be a colossal flop. With no laugh track,a jazz musical score by pianist Vice Guaraldi and religious message. Much to everyone's surprise,the show was a huge hit and got Emmy and Peabody awards Cartoonist Robert Smigel called it "the greatest half-hour American TV has ever produced". In addition to animating every Peanuts film and TV special,Mr. Melendez provided the wordless voice of Snoopy. Before his work oil Peanuts, Mr. Melendez drew many of the famous Disney and Warner Bros animated figures of the 1930s and 40s,including; Mickey Mouse,Donald Duck, Bugs Bunny and Porky Pig. The Peanuts characters, with their complicated personalities contained in round, childlike figure, proved unexpectedly challenging. Mr. Melendez won five Emmy Awards for his work on Peanuts. He also won Emmys for creating the first animated cartoons of Jim Davis ' Garfield and for animating CS Lewis' the Lion,the Witch and the Wardrobe. Melendez was born in 1916 in HermosilIo,Mexico and moved to Douglas,Arizona in 1928 ,and later to Los Angeles. He began drawing as a child. He studied at what is now the California Institute of the Arts and joined the Disney studio in 1938. 60. Who drew the famous"Peanuts"comic strip figures? A. Bill Melendez. B. Lee Mendelson. C. Robert Smigel. D. Charles M. Schulz. 61. What does the underlined phrase" a colossal flop" mean? A. An immediate success. B. A great failure. C. A huge hit. D. Of great popularity. 62. Why did the "Peanuts" characters prove extremely difficult to Mr. Melendez? A. Because the characters had complicated personalities. B. Because the Warner Bros did not like childlike figures in their animations. C. Because the famous animated figures drew by Mr. Melendez in the 30s and 40s were already too successful. D. Because the complicated personalities of the characters were contained in cluldlike figures. 63. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Bill Melendez won five Emmy Awards all together. ……
全书试卷试题新颖、贴近考试、难易兼顾、设计合理、效果奇佳,堪称考试的好帮手、成功的铺路石。 ——孟凡盛 (武汉外国语学校特级教师 2004、2006年湖北省理科状元教师) 《黄冈密卷》突出了新课程标准的理念,融入了高考质量研究成果,优化了高效的应试策略,荟萃了众多名师力作。自学跟踪检测、同步教学测试、高考应试指导就用《黄冈密卷》。 ——白和平 (华中师范大学第一附属中学特级教师 奥林匹克竞赛金牌教练) 名师精心编写,名校智慧结晶。洞悉高考规律,切合备考实际。设计独特,题型新颖,训练扎实,省时省力,提升效果明显。 ——焦文林 (河南太康第一高级中学特级教师 河南省新课改专家组成员) 《黄冈密卷》紧扣最新高考命脉,自编和精选大量典型、重点试题,题目新颖、实用,引导学生形成“独立思考、锲而不舍”的好习惯。不仅让学生高考受益,且终生受益,使用《黄冈密卷》将为其一生的成功打下坚实的基础。 ——丁帮勇 (重庆市巴县中学高级教师 西北师范大学《数学教学研究》编委) 《黄冈密卷》融“基础、技能、创新”于一体,注重学法引导,启迪方法思维,“系统性、仿真性、提高性、前瞻性、实用性”是《黄冈密卷》最大的特点,一流的编辑质量,多年如一的品质追求,成就了《黄冈密卷》的全国教辅品牌。 ——朱福文 (湖南省临澧——中高级教师 著名高考研究专家) 《黄冈密卷》遵循新课程理念,体现考试大纲的全新动态,独创分层递进的科学训练模式。试题结构合理、新颖严谨、解答规范、点拨到位,是教师备课与检测的有效工具,是学生自我检测、反思与总结的好帮手。 ——程俊 (广东省实验中学教师 人民教育出版社特聘新课程教材培训专家) 《黄冈密卷》是众多名师呕心沥血、殚精竭虑的智慧结晶;精准解读考试大纲,用于训练针对性极强;考试模块设计合理,适用于各种类型的水平测试;标准答案详解详析,总结提炼的解题规律令莘莘学子茅塞顿开。 ——王勇 (湖北省襄樊第一中学数学特级教师 襄阳市首届名师)