










1 Clara Barton, a Great American
2 Baseball, an intemational Sport
3 The Midnight Sun
4 Model T Facts
5 The Apple Tree
6 Animals Long Ago
7 A Teddy Bear
8 lcebergs
9 The White House Gang
10 Beautiful insects
11 The Clever Little Deer
12 The Lion and the Mouse
13 The Bee and the Dove
14 The Donkey and the Salt
15 The Wind and the Sun
16 The Forgetful Chipmunk
17 Special Gardens
18 Dance
19 Shapes
20 ADiaiy
21 Fall
22 Elephants Work and Elephants Play
23 The Firet Space Dog
24 Engineers in Ancient Times
25 Our Country's Birthday
26 The Indians in America
27 The indians in the East
28 The Plains indians
29 Indians of the Northwest
30 ZooCook
31 The Powerful Polar Bear
32 A Smart Horse
33 Do Elephants Forget?
34 The Boat for the Desert
35 The Milkmaid and Her Pail
36 Zoo Doctor
37 Danger!
38 The World's Biggest Bird
39 The Lion and the Fox
40 King Alfred and the Cakes
41 Did You Know That?
42 How Are Fossils Made?
43 Are You Eating Healthy Foods?
44 Facts about Kites
45 Rendezvous in Space
46 The Sun's Freckles
47 The Fox and the Grapes
48 The Giant and the Midget
49 An Unbelievable Joumey
50 The "Wrong" Delivery
51 Do You Remember?
52 Women of the Air
53 Why Do Astronauts Wear Space Suits?
54 Which is the Biggest Planet?
55 Dry lce
56 Bacteria
57 Opera
58 Drama
59 Diamonds
60 A Mirror
61 Glue
62 Thermometer
63 Plastics
64 Mold
65 A Brand New Year
66 Lucille is Late
67 The Scnool Pantomime
68 Bringing Home Logs
69 Jemima's Check up
70 Lost in the Dark
71 Mr. Wolf up to His Tricks
72 One Cold Aftemoon
73 Messenger Mole
74 Freddie's Big Mistake
75 Mr WolfGetsaShock!
76 Knitting Norah
77 Edward to the Rescue
78 Grandma's Presents
79 Uncle Wills Carves a Cradle
80 Tessa's Tmck
81 A Kit for lvor
82 Spring-cleaning
83 PancakesforMr.Wolf
84 Clarissa the Duck
85 Clarissa's Flowers
86 Aunt Mary Moppit's Curtains
87 The Fannyard Chase
88 Angelo and Lorenzo's Music
89 l Wonder Who Lives There
90 Helen's Special Basket
91 Aunt Mary Moppit's Hat
92 The Little Lamb Finds Her Mother
93 The Rooftop Home
94 The Missing Eggs
95 Grandma's Favourite Teacup
96 Too Many Cooks
97 Rolo's Missing Nose
98 Edgar's Whistle
99 Pippin's Mud Bath
100 Naughty Edgar
101 The Mascots
102 The End of.Term Cake
103 Treasure Trove
104 Diving Dennis
105 Sea Stars
106 Blowing Bubbles
107 Marianne Wants a Pony





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