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陈曦 主编  




时间如白驹过隙,步履匆匆,我们每日忙碌却浑然不觉岁月已悄然逝去。天空依然,身边的建筑依然,每天的学习作息依然……当你依然以自己的方式奔波着,忙碌着时,你是否意识到高考之前的日子已屈指可数?你现在是否已经攻略在手,成竹在胸,只待突破重围,挑战极限的高度?或思或学,或品或练,《高考英语阅读考前高分突围》都是你明智的选择。 阅读是我们获取信息的一种重要手段,也是我们相互交流思想的一条重要途径。阅读在每年的高考试卷中占有极其重要的地位和分值比例。在这种趋势和需求的召唤下,根据新《英语课程标准》对中学英语阅读的要求,众多教育一线的名师精心挑选了一系列阅读材料集成此册,旨在帮助考生提升阅读能力,轻松战胜高考。本书有以下特点: 贴近高考。实战操练 我们严格按照高考英语阅读的题型、试题要求及命题规律命题,为广大考生提供了一个模拟考场,帮助考生提前体验高考。考前加强实战性训练有助于激活考生大脑中的知识储备,激发斗志,帮助他们将身心调整到一个最佳的竞技状态。 语料丰富。分门别类 为了适应高考阅读材料多样化的发展趋势,帮助考生全面提升英语阅读层次,丰富语感,提高对英语话题的感知能力,我们选取了国内外最新出版的英文原版报刊中的材料,原汁原味、内容新颖,既注重知识性、信息性,又不乏趣味性和实用性。本书分类编排,分为“生活篇”、“社会篇”、“文化篇”、“教育篇”、“科技篇”、“经济篇”、“环境篇”、“健康篇”、“人物篇”、“史地篇”10大类别,话题囊括了国内外普遍关注的热点问题,让学生在阅读的同时不仅寻找心灵的慰藉和成功的秘诀,领略人文之美,触摸流行文化,论天下时事,看世态冷暖,或者斟词酌句、品味经典,畅游知识的殿堂,而且提高学生阅读速度,提升学生阅读理解的能力,最终达到培养学生驾驭阅读理解的能力、增强学生考试信心和实力的目标。 图文并茂。轻松愉悦我们的每一篇文章都配有精美的插图,全书图文一体,相得益彰。随着广告、操作指南、产品说明书等一些非文本形式的材料走进高考,我们相信,在这个读图时代,图片不仅仅是一种装饰,更是文字的一种载体,它传达了一定的信息,同样是我们获取信息和知识的有效途径。


赠读者生活篇 1.阅读选择篇 Passage1 Passage2 Passage3 Passage4 Passage5 Passage6 Passage7 Passage8 2.阅读简答题 Passage9 3.阅读填空题(书面表达——填空) Passage10社会篇 1.阅读选择篇 Passage1 Passage2 Passage3 Passage4 Passage5 Passage6 Passage7 Passage8 2.阅读简答题 Passage9 3.阅读填空题(书面表达——填空) Passage10文化篇 1.阅读选择篇 Passage1 Passage2 Passage3 Passage4 Passage5 Passage6 Passage7 Passage8 2.阅读简答题 Passage9 3.阅读填空题(书面表达——填空) Passage10教育篇 1.阅读选择篇 Passage1 Passage2 Passage3 Passage4 Passage5 Passage6 Passage7 Passage8 2.阅读简答题 Passage9 3.阅读填空题(书面表达——填空) Passage10科技篇 1.阅读选择篇 Passage1 Passage2 Passage3 Passage4 Passage5 Passage6 Passage7 Passage8 2.阅读简答题 Passage9 3.阅读填空题(书面表达——填空) Passage10经济篇环境篇健康篇人物篇史地篇


插图:Passage 1American schools are looking for ways to save money on bus transportation because of high fuel prices. More children may have to walk, ride their bikes or find other ways to get to school. But, as another effect of the high prices, they may not have to go to school as often. Some schools, especially in rural areas, are changing to a four-day week. That means longer days instead of the traditional Monday through Friday schedule.Beginning in the fall, students in the Maecray school district in Minnesota will be in school Tuesdaythrough Friday. Each school day will be sixty-five minutes longer.Superintendent (监管人) Greg Schmidt says the district expects to save about sixty-five thousand dollars a year in transportation costs. The district has about seven hundred students living in an area of nine hundred square kilometers. State officials have approved the plan for three years. They may change their mind before then if learning suffers.In Custer, South Dakota, students have been going to school Monday through Thursday since 1995. Superintendent Tim Creal says the change has saved an estimated one million dollars over just the past eight years.But he sees other benefits, too. Students get more instructional time. And activities that used to interfere with classes are now held on non-school days.He says that in the future, the growth of online classes could make it pessible to require even fewer days in school. High fuel prices are driving college students to take more online classes. And in some states, high school students can take them, too.A four-day school week sounds like a great idea for students and teachers. But working parents may have to pay for child care for that fifth day. In agricultural areas, though, it can mean an extra day of helping on the family farm.






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