第1版 (2008年8月1日)
Rosalind Fergusson
《牛津英语词汇与拓展阅读》(Reading Smart)是由英国的英语教学专家根据牛津英语教材量身定做的一套课外阅读丛书。丛书每个单元的话题都与牛津英语课本中涉及的话题相对应。围绕单元的话题,每个单元都设置了精读和泛读两篇阅读材料,并针对这些阅读材料精心设计了许多活泼生动、形式多样的词汇练习和阅读练习。每个单元的两篇文章分别从不同的角度来探讨同一话题。通过阅读文章,学生可以进一步深入了解有关该话题的更多知识。另外,精读文章之后有“Useful words and phrases”,对文章中出现的生词加以注释并配有精炼的例句。 阅读文章后面配有丰富的练习题,包括阅读理解题、选择题、完型填空、词义搭配和写作题等,这些练习旨在考察学生对文章的理解程度以及运用所学词汇的能力。练习的设计充分考虑了我国现行中考的实际情况≯非常适合国内英语教学的实际情况。此外,书后提供了练习的参考答案,方便学生进行自测。 本套丛书将词汇与阅读相互穿插,既能使学生在阅读的同时拓展词汇,又能让他们在拓展词汇的同时增强阅读的信心和兴趣。
1 Making friends2 Our daily life3 Troubles4 The world of numbers5 Encyclopaedia6 Beyond time and space 17 Beyond time and space 28 Hobbies9 Foods and drinks10 PollutionAnswer Key
1 hobby n. 兴趣 A hobby is something you enjoy doing when you are not working or at school. Joes hobbies include ice-skating and rock-climbing. My mother says that she does not have time for hobbies. 2 model-making 模型制作 A model is a smaller copy of something, such as a car or a building, which you make for fun. The hobby of making models is called model-making. Peter is a member of the model-making club at school. This shop sells all the things you need for model-making. 3 embroidery n.刺绣; 刺绣品 Embroidery is the activity of sewing pictures or patterns on fabric using colouredthreads. The word embroidery is also used for the pictures or patterns themselves. Carol sat by the window doing her embroidery. Everyone admired the embroidery on the tablecloth. 4 in the middle of 在……过程中 When you are in the middle of doing something, you have started doing it but youhave not yet finished. Sally was in the middle of washing her hair when the phone rang. Someone interrupted me in the middle of adding up the figures, so I had to startagain. 5 would rather 宁愿;宁可 If you would rather do or have one thing than another, you like the first thing betterthan the second. Too many children would rather watch television than read a book. "Would you like a cup of tea?" "1 would rather have a glass of lemonade." 6 chess n. 国际象棋 Chess is a game in which two people move pieces of different shapes around a board covered with black and white squares. It rainedall afternoon, so we stayed indoors andplayedchess. The rules of chess are not difficult to learn.