纳代尔(Ira B. Nadel)
庞德是英美现代派文学的执牛耳者,他多才多艺,集诗人、翻译家、批评家、编辑于一身,一生多姿多彩。此书是对庞德生平、创作以及对他作品接受情况的系统研究。全书分为四章,另附“注释”和“深入阅读指南”两部分内容。 本书是研究埃兹拉·庞德的入门读本。庞德是英美现代派文学的执牛耳者,他多才多艺,集诗人、翻译家、批评家、编辑于一身,一生多姿多彩。作者带我们领略了庞德作品中丰富的隐喻及其在诗风上的借鉴与创新,用平实的语言介绍了庞德对20世纪初现代主义的发展所做的巨大贡献。
作者:(美国)纳代尔 (Ira B.Nadel)
PrefaceNote on the textList of abbreviationsChapter 1 LifeChapter 2 ContextChapter 3 Works Poetry to 1920 The CantosChapter 4 Critical receptionNotesGuide to further readingIndex
When Ezra Pound arrived in London he was greeted as an American cowboy, abrash outsider offering poetry Punch satirized as blending "the imagery of theunfettered West, the vocabulary of Wardour Street, and the sinister abandon ofBorgiac Italy" (in EPM 174). Outspoken, oddly dressed- he would occasionallywear a sombrero for a 1909 lecture series- Pound was, nonetheless, self-assured.His appearance was operatic and poetic at the same time, preferring flowingcapes and open-necked shirts, but his speech was "Amerukun," filled withidioms and neologisms unheard of in London. As one observer wrote, with"his rimless pince nez, his Philadelphian accent and his startling costume, partof which was a single turquoise earring, [he] contrived to look 'every inch apoet. But his unorthodox ideas and direct approach to art made him morethan an image as he challenged the stodginess of late Victorian culture and theindulgencies of the Decadents as he set out a modernist map that T. S. Eliot,Yeats, Joyce, Lewis and others would follow. An afternoon visit to the poet Wilfrid Scawen Blunt in Sussex on 18 January1914 illustrates how Pound first straddled and then rattled the age, causingYeats to remark that "Pound has a desire personally to insult the world.''2 Thepurpose of the afternoon was to acknowledge Blunt and his contributions topoetry. On the day of the visit, in the company of Yeats, Richard Aldington,T. Sturge Moore. E S. Flint, and Victor Plarr, Pound and the others honoredthe poet with a small reliquary box designed by Gaudier-Brzeska containingpoems by the poets. Blunt was gracious in accepting the gift but turned theimage of a naked Egyptian woman on the box to the wall the next day andcommented that in the poems themselves he could not recognize "anythingbut word puzzles" (in McDiarmid 164). Pound was the anonymous author ofall of them, although Blunt did not know it (GAL C131).