Martin Garrett 编著
普通中国读者,包括英语专业的学生,对于英国文学的了解一般只限于个别经典作品,而对作家其人其事及其整个文学创作情况所知甚少。其中部分的原因是文学史家们编写的英国文学史往往注重介绍作品的情节内容,对作家的生活经历、作品的具体创作过程着墨不多。上海外语教育出版社从英国大英图书馆出版社(The British Librarv)引进出版“英国作家生平丛书”,弥补了这方面的缺憾。该丛书以图文并茂的形式讲述莎士比亚等14位英国著名作家的生平故事,同时穿插介绍他们的作品,有助于充实读者对英国文学的认识。英国文学源远流长,经历了长期复杂的发展演变过程。在这个过程中,文学本体以外的各种现实的、历史的、政治的、文化的力量对文学发生着影响,而作家个体的独特生活遭遇也是造就文学杰作的一个重要因素。“英国作家生平丛书”对14位名家的传记式介绍,充分展示了这一点。戏剧方面,莎士比亚是英国文艺复兴时期最杰出的剧作家,他当过演员,其作品思想内容深刻、艺术表现手法精湛,历经几个世纪长演不衰。诗歌方面,浪漫主义诗人华兹华斯、柯勒律治、拜伦、济慈的不同身世对他们的诗歌创作及艺术风格产生深刻影响;维多利亚时代诗人伊丽莎白·巴雷特和罗伯特·布朗宁的爱情故事是英国文坛的一段佳话。小说方面,狄更斯是19世纪英国最伟大的小说家,他的许多小说以孤儿为主人公,这与作家童年时代的一段不幸经历有关;康拉德来自波兰,将自己奇特的身世背景和航海经历交融在字里行间;女作家奥斯丁、玛丽·雪莱、勃朗特姐妹、伍尔夫以女性特有的视角和敏锐的观察描摹人性与社会,思考妇女的生存状况,她们的小说无论在思想主题、题材表现方面,还是在叙述手法上,都有创新,对推动英国文学的发展作出了突出贡献。“英国作家生平丛书”原版由大英图书馆出版社出版,体现出图书馆出版物的特点。书中配有大量的插图,有些是珍贵的手稿,有些是罕见的照片,有些是博物馆或美术馆珍藏的油画和素描,让读者有幸一睹作家的风采,产生直观的感觉。这些插图带有不同时代的印记,营造出浓厚的历史感。丛书的作者均为专业领域里有着较深造诣的学者,对史料的掌握系统全面,他们用生动的语言娓娓讲述作家生平事迹,点评具体文学作品,书末还附有供读者进一步阅读的书单,推荐了有代表性的文献,对英语专业学生撰写课程论文或毕业论文很有帮助。“英国作家生平丛书”内容有趣,插图精美,文字简洁,兼顾普及性和专业性,是学习和了解英国文学的良师益友。
本书详细介绍了19世纪中叶英国诗坛明星布朗宁夫妇的爱情、婚姻及追求文学事业的历程。作者生动描述了伊丽莎白·布朗宁早年勤奋学习外语和苦心钻研诗学的经历,同时介绍了她的诗歌所反映出的美学观念、社会立场和政治态度。书中还介绍了罗伯特·布朗宁的成长过程以及他如何投身诗歌实验并最终跻身文坛的曲折经历。 本书最引人入胜的部分也许是对布朗宁夫妇的爱情、婚姻以及国外生活的描写,还有他们与许多文坛巨匠的交往和友谊。 此外,本书对布朗宁夫妇的一些重要作品进行了详细的解读,其间不时闪烁着诗人的灵感和智慧,折射出他们的理想和情怀。这部诗人传记途述生动,资料翔实,脉络清晰,图文并茂,文笔流畅,是我国大学生、研究生和文学爱好乾不可多得的英语读物。
作者:(英国) 盖瑞特 (Garrett.M.) Dr Martin Garrett has written extensivelyon both nineteenth-century and Renais-sance literature. His previous books includeGreece: A Literary Companion, TraveUer'sLiterary Companion: Italy, and Venice: ACultural and Literary Companion. His earlierwork on the Brownings indudes editingElizabeth Barrett Browning and Robert Brown-ing: Interviews and Recollections, and he is alsothe author of George Gordon, Lord Byron inthe British Library Writers' Lives series.
插图:It is easy to read too much into this incident. Certainly father and daughterhad periods of close and evident affection afterwards. She felt great sympathy for hissituation when her mother died, unexpectedly, of rheumatoid arthritis in 1828. Butthe 'Development of Genius' affair shows one potential area for tension. EdwardBarrett was perhaps irritated less by the details of the poem than by a sense that hisdaughter's interests were moving away from his own, that she now needed him lessthan in childhood and adolescence. She still cared greatly about his reactions - 'Papawould be sorry to think how much he grieved me!' she concludes, half-lovingly, half-bitterly - but she increasingly tended to seek the opinion of friends, such as Price,the blind scholar Hugh Stuart Boyd who first wrote to her a month after the'Development of Genius' incident, or, later, her fellow writer Mary Russell Mitford.
《伊丽莎白·巴雷特·布朗宁与罗伯特·布朗宁》由上海外语教育出版社出版。Elizabeth Barrett Brownirig and Robert Browning are known for their remarkablelove story, recorded in their letters to each other and such poems as her 'How doI love thee?Let me count the ways'. It was after their marriage and move to Italy -to avoid the wrath of Barrett Browning's controlling and eccentric father - thateach poet wrote their most modern and thought-provoking work, including the'dramatic monologues' of Browning's Men and Women.This biography traces the poets' lives, starting with Barrett Browning's intensivestudy of Greek (unusual for a girl of her time) and other languages, and her firstpoems, published anonymously at her father's expense. Browning, by contrast,wrote little poetry in his youth, branched out into playwriting in his twenties, andalthough he wrote many of his more memorable poems in the early 1850s,achieved critical acclaim only after his wife's death in 1861.The author describes Barrett Browning's complicated relations with her family;the couple's life in Pisa, Florence and Paris; the birth of their son, Pen; the growthand inspiration of their poetic styles; Barrett Browning's progressive social andpolitical ideas as expressed in such works as Aurora Leigh; and Browning's later lifeback in England, when he became a well-known figure in London society andpublished work including his late masterpiece The Ring and the Book, Other impor-tant aspects of the poets' lives are explored; their travels and their friendships withpeople prominent in the worlds of art, writing, and social theory, among themJohn Ruskin, Alfred Tennyson, W.M. Thackeray, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, and theart historian and feminist Anna BrownellJameson.