《存在主义》语言简洁流畅,内容浅显易懂,对学习者们将裨益非浅。“外教社原版文学入门丛书”以介绍文学理论和小说类型及相应的社会文化背景为主,勾勒出英美文学发展的概貌。本丛书文字简练、语言生动,对我国的外国文学及理论研究者、在校学生以及广大文学爱好者都有很高的参考价值。 存在主义对这一领域的学习者来说,既引人入胜,又令人生畏。《存在主义》旨在解决学习者们最为困惑的诸多问题,回答了“什么是存在主义?”,并将这一领域的主要代表人物有机贯穿起来,对其学术思想和作品一一作了介绍,对围绕存在主义思想出现的各种争论也进行了探讨。
作者:(美国) 恩萧 (Steven Earnshaw)
Acknowledgements1. Introduction: What is Existentialism?Part One: Thinkers2. Kierkegaard3. Nietzsche4. Heidegger5. Sartre6. CamusPart Two: Themes7. Introduction to Part Two8. Being and Self9. Phenomenology and Consciousness10. God and Nothingness11. Freedom, Ethics and Commitment12. And now...?Further ReadingBibliographyIndex
Like Kierkegaard, Nietzsche had a great hostility to any notion of agrand philosophical system. But Nietzsche took a different, moreextreme route: 'I am not narrow-minded enough for a system, noteven for my own system' (Lavrin, 1971: 8). Kierkegaard may haveeschewed the kind of all-encompassing system proposed by Hegeland speculative philosophy, but he nevertheless observed an internalconsistency of thought in his own writing. Nietzsche, on the otherhand, would not have been embarrassed by self-contradiction;for him it was a fact of life, a necessary condition of his way ofworking as a very particular kind of philosopher, one 'seeking aftereverything strange and questionable in existence, all that has hith-erto been excommunicated by morality' (Nietzsche, 1983: 34).Kierkegaard's use of pseudonymous authors for his major works,what he called his 'aesthetic' productions, was largely so that hisreaders did not associate the ideas the books contemplated with thepersonal life of Kierkegaard himself. Although there is somedifference between the pseudonym and the author, mainly withrespect to the progress each considers he has made towards attain-ing the ethical or religious spheres, the connection between theauthor and the pseudonym remains very strong. Even in the firstpart of Either/Or, where A is essentially a 'dandy', an 'aesthete', a'seducer', there are clearly direct links to be made to Kierkegaard'searlier life, even if he himself may have moved on from this stage. Itwould not occur to Kierkegaard, for instance, to put his ideas intothe mind or mouth of a madman. Yet this is exactly what Nietzschedoes in one of his 'voicings'. So whereas we might safely assume thatmuch of what appears in Kierkegaard's work is an attempt to workthrough, with self-imposed philosophical rigour, certain idea.