阿多诺(Theodor W.Adorno)、 Shierry Weber Nicholsen 上海外语教育出版社 (2009-09出版)
Shierry Weber Nicholsen
泰奥德·阿多诺(Theodor W.Adorno,1903-1969)是德国著名哲学家、社会学家、文艺理论家和音乐理论家,是法兰克福学派的著名代表人物以及社会批判理论的奠基者。他在许多领域均有创见,特别是在哲学、美学以及文论领域,在西方社会具有广泛而深刻的影响力。 阿多诺的文学批评并不属于正统的批评理论,他的文本处理方式既富有魅力,又几乎无法阐释。这意味着我们在阐释、评价阿多诺的这些复杂多义的文学批评时,既要指出他在批评理论这个大框架内的地位,也要考虑到他独特的个人气质、行文习惯以及他惯有的自相矛盾,并辨析他的观点正确与否。
作者:(德国)阿多诺(Theodor W.Adorno) 译者:(德国)Shierry Weber Nicholsen
TRANSLATOR'S PREFACEEDITORIAL REMARKS FROM THE GERMAN EDITIONThe Essay as FormOn Epic NaiveteThe Position of the Narratorin the Contemporary NovelOn Lyric Poetry and SocietyIn Memory of EichendorffHeine the WoundLooking Back on SurrealismPunctuation MarksThe Artist as DeputyCONTENTSOn the Final Scene of FaustReading BalzacValery's DeviationsShort Commentaries on ProustWords from AbroadErnst Bloch's SpurenExtorted Reconciliation:On Georg Lukacs' Realism in Our TimeTrying to Understand EndgameNOTE8INDEX
The social interpretation of a success like this is concerned with the stage of historical experience evidenced in the poem. In the name of humanity, of the universality of the human, German classicism had undertaken to release subjective impulses from the contingency that threatens them in a society where relationships between human beings are no longer direct but instead mediated solely by the market. It strove to objectify the subjective as Hegel did in philosophy and tried to overcome the contradictions of men's real lives by reconciling them in spirit, in the idea. The continued existence of these contradictions in reality, however, had compromised the spiritual solution: in the face of a life not grounded in meaning, a life lived painstakingly amid the bustle of competing interests, a prosaic life, as artistic experience sees it; in the face of a world in which the fate of individual human beings works itself out in accordance with blind laws, art, whose form gives the impression of speaking from the point of view of a realized humanity, becomes an empty word. Hence classicism's concept of the human being withdrew into private, individual existence and its images; only there did humanness seem secure. Of necessity, the idea of humankind as something whole, something self-determining, was renounced by the bourgeoisie, in aesthetic form as in politics. It is the stubborn clinging to one's own restricted sphere, which itself obeys a compulsion, that makes ideals like comfort and Gemiitlichkeit so suspect. Meaning itself is linked to the contingencies of human happiness; through a kind of usurpation, individual happiness is ascribed a dignity it would attain only along with the happiness of the whole. In none of his expressive impulses does he go beyond what could be genuinely attained in his time. The muchinvoked organic quality of his work is probably nothing other than this tact, which is philosophically sensitive to history and which scarcely any other poet in the German language possessed to the same degree. The alleged pathological traits in Morike reported by psychologists and the drying up of his production in later years are the negative aspect of his very highly developed understanding of what is possible. The poems of the hypochondriacal clergyman from Cleversulzbach, who is considered one of our naive artists, are virtuoso pieces unsurpassed by the masters of rart pour rart.