王振芳 改编
《工业英语》是自德国引进、由国内高职高专一线教师改编的行业英语教材,其内容充分体现了“实用为主,够用为度,以应用为目的”的原则。学生通过本教材的学习既可以学到与行业相关的词汇与表达,又可以对相关工作场景下的英语听、说、读、写、译技能进行训练,并且为获取职业证书做准备。 《工业英语》共十个单元,主题包括公司概况、公司结构及雇员职责、公司之间的电话沟通、商务考察的安排、正式会议和商务谈判、销售活动和战略、生产设备和方法、咨询、订购、合同和发票、问题、投诉和信贷等。本书的最大特点是采用真实工作场景下的真实语言材料,培养学生在未来工作中运用英语进行交流的能力。练习的设计模拟真实的工作任务,如接听电话、预订、接待来访、商谈价格和供货条件、按要求撰写传真和简短商务信函等,让学生学以致用,真正做到了与职业结合、与行业结合。每单元内容均按热身、对话、阅读或听力理解、词汇、语言及文化知识、补充材料等部分组成。我们建议学习者按顺序学习本书的内容,以便系统地掌握与工业行业相关的英语词汇及表达方式。每单元末尾都提供了补充学习材料,以供学有余力的学生进一步提高英语水平。 该教材不仅适合高职高专学生学习,也适用于英语中级水平者,或具有高中学历的企业员工进修培训。 该教材改编由王振芳担任主编,冯锦、李丽莎担任副主编,参加改编的还有欧阳文萍、周可宝、陈小华、吴吴、许英、宋智、林叶之。在教材改编过程中,得到了上海外语教育出版社以及教育部高职高专英语类专业教学指导委员会主任委员刘黛琳教授的关心和指导,在此谨表谢意。 由于改编者水平有限.时间紧迫,错误与疏漏敬请批评指正。
1 A VISIT TO AIRBUS Company profiles2 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES AT MEDSET Structure of a company Employee roles and responsibilities3 A TELEPHONE CALL TO HOLZLAND WULF Telephone communications between companies4 TRAVELARRAHGEMENTSATBP Arrangements for a business trip5 A MEETING AT KUBALD GMBH Formal meetings and business negotiations6 A PRESENTATION ATCHEVRONTEXACO CORP Formal business presentations7 A MARKETING CAMPAIGN AT BEIERSDORF Marketing campaigns and strategies Famous brand names8 PRODUCTION AT BALDA AG Production faciEties and methods Product life cycles9 CONTRACTS AND PAYMENT AT HABERMANN &FALKE Enquiries, orders, contracts and invoices Incoterms10 ETH UMWELTTECHNIK:DEALING WITH PROBLEMS Problems, complaints and credit control
Over the last century, company structureshave undergone a process of radicalchange. Once, company leadersdetermined the identity of their company-a company which concentrated on oneproduct range. Those days are over:nowadays, huge corporations diversifymore and more, with new product rangesand with the acquisition of othercompanies. The result is conglomeratessuch as General Electric, which sellseverything from aircraft engines torefrigerators. Furthermore, the market is saturatedwith a wide variety of similar products:the consumer attempting to buy a simplebottle of shampoo is confronted byliterally hundreds of "haircare products"on the supermarket shelves. GIobalization is flooding domestic markets withinternational products and makingcompetition fiercer. With ever more products entering themarket ever more quickly, it is becomingincreasingly difficult to maintain adistinctive product image. Moreover. customers are growing morecritical and selective. They are lessprepared to buy a product simply for itsfunction: instead, they pay attention to itsdesign, prestige, quality, eco-friendlinessand how economical it is to use. In these times of interchangeableproducts, increasing competition andhypercritical customers, companiesconsider it vital to stand out from thecrowd and to project a corporate identity