本书是一套全新阅读教程,共分数线个级别。每课按照主题组织阅读材料,注重阅读的流利程度、理解程度和词汇等方面的技巧训练。 本书涉及到了阅读理解中几乎所有的难点,并提供了克服这些难点正确方法、训练途径和使用材料。我在多年教学实践中一直盼望的就是这样一套教材。 Anderson教授的“积极语言学习”方法和他开发的系列教材将有助于广大学习者掌握更好的学习方法,形成适合自己的学习策略,提高学习效率,成为高效的英语阅读者。
Frequently Asked QuestionsUnit Walkthrough: Getting ReadyUnit Walkthrough: Chapters 1 & 2Unit Walkthrough: Real Life Skill & What Do You Think?Unit Walkthrough: Using the Audio ComponentUnit Walkthrough: Review UnitsUnit 1: Looking for WorkUnit 2: Computer CultureUnit 3: Travel AdventuresUnit 4: Haunted by the PastUnit 5: A Good ReadUnit 6: A New Generation of ThinkingUnit 7: It's Dinner Time!Unit 8: Beyond Planet EarthUnit 9: Energy for LifeUnit 10: Language and LifeUnit 11: The Natural WorldUnit 12: Music: Influence and InnovationReview Unit 1Review Unit 2Review Unit 3Review Unit 4IPA Chart and TOEFL iBT Reading Skills
Using the Audio Componont With every level of the second edition of ACTIVE Skills for Reading, there is an audio component onMP3, which consists of recordings of the reading passages in the book. Using the audio can be nefit both teachers and students: Non-native English teachers, for example, may wish to listen for correct pronunciation and intonation of vocabulary items and expressions in the reading. For students, the audioallows them to hear how vocabulary and expressions inthe reading are spoken by a native English speaker.Please note, however, that the passages have been recorded by native English speakers, at near native English speed. These recordings are not design edto be used for listening comprehension exercises inclass, but rather as a way of attuning students ears tothe sound of native-spoken English. Students can been couraged to build their reading fluency by listening tothe MP3 while they read, and trying to keep the same pace as the recording. This will give them add itionalpractice to increase their reading rate. Review Units After every three units there is a Review Unit. Thereare two primary purposes of the Review Unit. First, toprovide practice in the development of reading fluencyand second, to allow readers to review the vocabularytaught in the earlier three units. Every Review Unit contains a Fluency Strategy box that contains information on the strategy for that unit, andgives students guidance on how to develop and use it.Make sure students read this strategy box before theystart the activity. The reading passage then providesexplicit practice of the fluency strategy. First Reading There are three readings in each Review Unit. The first reading focuses on explicit instruction of a specificfluency strategy. Muscle reading, SQ5R, PARCER, andReading ACTIVEly are addressed in Book 4. Self Check After the first reading passage, there is a Serf Check,which gives an opportunity for students to reflect ontheir experience using the fluency strategy taught inthat Review Unit. Second and Third Reading Passages The primary focus for the second and third reading passages in each Review Unit is to build up readingfluency. To help students increase reading fluency, useactivities such as Rate Build-Up, Repeated Reading,or Class-Paced Reading for the second passage. For the third passage, students should be encouraged touse Self-Paced Reading. These specific activities for building reading rate are described below. Four Activities for Building Reading Rate To help students increase their reading rate, considerusing one of the following activities. 1. Rate Build-Up DrillStudents are given sixty seconds to read as much material as they can. After the first sixty-second periodends, they start reading again from the beginning of the text for an additional sixty seconds. This drill is repeated a third and a fourth time. Students should be able to reread the "old" material faster and faster,extending into new material. By the end of the activity, students should be reading more material in the lastsixty-second period than in the first. As students repeat this rate-building activity, their reading rate should increase. After four sixty-second periods, encourage students to continue reading the passage through to the end.