李维屏 编
一种坚硬和倔强。在这件事上,最终妥协的还是陈。他的阳刚品质遇到了阴柔却强势的丽丽,只有败下阵来。 另一次,陈意识到阴阳平衡的重要性是在对待儿子满齐的教育问题上。他看到孩子睁大的有些忧郁的眼睛时,决定要多花时间在儿子身上。他不能赞同妻子和她的姐姐梅对满齐的女性影响。“他也不想儿子服从于这些女性影响。这对男孩没有好处。阳应该平衡阴。”(110)可是,丽丽对儿子的前途却另有打算。她不辞辛苦,把满齐送到中国城的一家华人学校,希望他学习传统知识和一定的专业技能,将来能干一番大事业。但当她得知陈悄悄地培养着儿子对园艺的兴趣,在园子里种植芒果苗时,丽丽因父子情深而心生妒忌,进而勃然大怒,将芒果苗连根拔起以泄其愤。 深深植根于中国传统文化的丽丽,在远隔万里的英国仍然坚守着她心目中的阴阳平衡。然而她的所作所为,却恰恰违背了事物真正的阴阳平衡。她每天温柔地强迫汤足饭饱的陈喝下她精心准备的肉汤,却不知事实上这不啻是让陈每天吃毒药,使其体重激增。家里所有重要的决定都由丽丽一人做出,并付诸实施。身为一家之长的陈没有真正的话语权,到最后还被三合会控制,莫名其妙地消失。梅也搬了出去,另立门户。 毛翔青将小说标题写成“酸甜”,是对小说中丽丽坚持的阴阳平衡理论的呼应。在开外卖餐厅时,他们的糖醋排骨是最受欢迎的一道菜。这道菜之所以受欢迎,是因为酸和甜这两种味道达到了最佳平衡,而这种酸甜的平衡似乎能有效地使身体达到某种平衡。然而在现实中,在中国文化与英国文化的碰撞中,丽丽一家并没有能实现真正的平衡或和谐。家里只剩母子俩相依为命。家庭不止没有内在真正的平衡,连形式上的平衡也不复存在。虽然在小说结尾处毛翔青出乎意料地安排了每月三合会以陈的名义寄回来的汇款,能干的丽丽也仍任劳任怨地经营着快餐店,他们的命运却让人不无担忧:身处异国却活在自己的世界里的丽丽未来难以预料。也许只有年幼的满齐是小说的希望,广阔的世界以全新的一切迎接着他。
Emory Elliott ,joined the University of California, Riverside in 1989 after teaching at Princeton for 17 years, where he also chaired the English Department. He is the author of Power and the Pulpit in Puritan New England, and Revolutionary Writers: Literature and Authority in the New Republic. He is also the editor of The Columbia Literary History of the United States, and The Columbia History of the American Novel. Margaret Harris is ,Professor of English Literature, Director of Research in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Sydney. Noted for her 19th Century studies, she has worked extensively on authors unpublished writings, editing The Notebooks of George Meredith and The Journals of George Eliot, and contributing significantly to important journals and reference books published both at home and abroad. Michael Helfand,is Associate Professor of English & Education at the University of Pittsburgh. He teaches courses in Victorian Literature, Reader Response and Reception Theory. For many years he has worked with members of the School of Education on projects and courses related to teacher education. He is co-author and co-editor of Oscar Wildes Oxford Notebooks (1989), and author of many articles and reviews on Victorian and modern literature. David Lyle ,Jeffrey is Professor of Literature & the Humanities at Baylor University since 2000. Jeffrey is General Editor and co-author of A Dictionary of Biblical Tradition in English Literature (1992). David Jeffreys current research interests involve the relationship of biblical humanities to literary and artistic expression. Patrick D. Murphy ,s Professor of English at University of Central Florida. His research interests include Nature Oriented Literature, Contemporary Multicultural American Literature,Comparative Asian American and Asian Literatures, Modern American Poetry and Ecocriticism. His most recent book is Eeocritical Explorations in Literary and Cultural Studies. Douglas Tallack ,is Professor of American Studies, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International) and Head of the College of Arts, Humanities and Law at the University of Leicester, UK. He has published seven books, most recently, Global Cities/Local Sites (co-edited,electronic book) and New York Sights: Visualizing Old and New New York. An Honorary Professor at both Tsinghua University and Shanghai International Studies University, Professor Tallack has made a great contribution to the academic exchanges between Chinese and British universities.