(英)勒菲弗尔 著,夏平 导读
上海外语教育出版社从成立以来一直是我国外语教育最优秀的后勤部和侦调部。因为它不但为我国各个层次(尤其本科与研究生层次)的外语教育提供了多种高水平的教材、教参和工具书,而且还出版了多学科、多语种和多系列的中文版和外文版的学术著作,比如“现代语言学丛书”、“牛津应用语言学丛书”、“美国文学史论译丛”、“外国文学史丛书”、“剑桥文学指南丛书”、“当代英语语言学丛书”以及列入国家及教育部规划的人文社科重点项目的外国语言文学、文化等方面的图书等。为了适应我国现代化建设和教育改革的需要,还出版了一批国际金融、对外贸易、涉外保险、国际经济法、国际新闻和管理科学等方面的教材与专著。这些著作在外语的学科建设与学术研究以及复合型人才培养等方面都在发挥着强有力的侦察、调研和指导作用。这是外语界有口皆碑的。 随着中外文化交流的纵深发展以及我国现代化建设对人才的需求,对比语言学和翻译学近些年来在我国有了较快的发展,最突出的证据就是①外语类硕士博士点上研究对比与翻译方向的学生在逐年迅速增多,而且我们的高校已经有了翻译学院和翻译系(当然还太少)。②外语专业的学生考中文、法律等其他人文社科专业的硕士、博士以及反方向的走向已经起步。这种跨学科的人才已成为人才资源竞争的最主要对象,因此发展趋势定会看好。上海外语教育出版社为适应这种高层次人才培养和新学科建设的需要,不但积极出版国内关于对比研究和翻译研究的专著和论文集,最近又推出了原版“国外翻译研究丛书”,这套丛书时间跨度丛古代到现代,所选书目皆为译学发展史上有里程碑作用的名家名著,堪称译学经典。他们计划分批出版,以满足读者的需求。
本书作者指出翻译不仅仅是语言层次上的转换,它更是译者对原作所进行的文化层面上的改写。作者在书中引进了“改写”(rewriting)这个重要概念,它泛指对文学原作进行的翻译、改写、编撰选集(anthology)、批评(criticism)和编辑(editing)等各种加工和调整的过程。作者指出,在不同的历史条件下,改写主要受到意识形态(ideology)和诗学形态(poetology)两方面的限制。改写者往往会对原作进行一定程度上的调整,以使其与改写者所处时期主流意识形态和诗学形态相符,从而达到让改写的作品被尽可能多的读者接受的目的。 本书在论证的过程中,引用了多国历代文学名著的翻译实例,分析研究了他们在不同时期被不同的人进行改写的过程。这些实例都具有相当浓厚的文化色彩和时代代表性,令读者在熟悉翻译理论的同时能够领略到世界文学殿堂的奥妙。
安德烈·勒菲弗尔,翻译研究领域世界一流的学术带头人。著术丰厚,包括《诗歌翻译:七种策略和一个蓝图》(Translation Poetry:Seven Strategies and a Blueprint)、《翻译、改写以及对文学名声的制控》(Translation,Rewriting and the Manipulation of Literary Fame)等。
General editors' preface 1 Prewrite 2 The system: patronage 3 The system: poetics 4 Translation: the categories Lifelines, noses, legs, handles: the Lysistrata of Aristophanes 5 Translation: ideology On the construction of different Anne Franks 6 Translation: poetics The case of the missing qasidah 7 Translation: Universe of Discourse "Holy Garbage, tho by Homer cook't" 8 Translation: language Catullus' many sparrows 9 Historiography From bestseller to non-person: Wiliem Godschalk van Focquenbroch 10 Anthology Anthologizing Africa 11 Criticism Beyond her gender: Madame de Stael 12 Editing Salvation through mutilation: Biichner's Danton' s Death References Index
Which advertises, incorporates, and supportsthem. Whoever identifies the goal of literary studies as such with theinterpretation of texts will either have no explanation for thesephenomena, or else have somewhat embarrassed recourse tovague notions such as fate. It is my contention that the processresulting in the acceptance or rejection, canonization or non-canonization of literary works is dominated not by vague, but byvery concrete factors that are relatively easy to discern as soon asone decides to look for them, that is as soon as one eschewsinterpretation as the core literary studies and begins to addressissues such as power, ideology, institution, and manipulation. Assoon as one does this, one also realizes that rewriting in all its formsoccupies a dominant position among the concrete factors justreferred to. This book is an attempt to emphasize both theimportance of rewriting as the motor force behind literaryevolution, and the necessity for further in-depth study of thephenomenon. Rewriters have always been with us, from the Greek slave whoput together anthologies of the Greek classics to teach the childrenof his Roman masters, to the Renaissance scholar who collatedvarious manuscripts and scraps of manuscripts to publish a more orless reliable edition of a Greek or Roman classic.
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