乔姆斯基 (Noam Chomsky) 上海外语教育出版社 (2012-10出版)
作者:(美国)乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)
Introduction to the third edition JAMES McGILVRAY Cartesian Linguistics Acknowledgments Introduction Creative aspect of language use Deep and surface structure Description and explanation in linguistics Acquisition and use of language Summary Notes Bibliography Index
版权页: The educational implications of the RR view of mind are taken up briefly in CL in Chomsky's discussion of von Humboldt's work.While children need some help in coming to write and read,and educational institutions should provide this and other skills-such as those of mathematical calculation,and the like-what for the RR view they need most early in life is exposure to a wide range of experiences to give them opportunities to develop individual interests and talents,and encouragement to pursue these interests and talents.To paraphrase Kant andvon Humboldt,the only way people can appreciate freedom and creativity is to experience it.Educational institutions should provide the opportunity to do that,even-and perhaps especially-during a child's early years. Discussing the political implications of the RR view of mind in full is beyond the scope of this introduction.For some details,see (Rai 1995,McGilvray 1999,2005).Here I will focus on how advances in recent years in Chorhsky's RR (now "biolinguistic") science of language supplement the long-standing Enlightenment moral and political view he expresses in CL.Like others of or attracted to the Enlightenment,Chomsky aims to base his political views on reason.Unlike earlier figures,his views are enriched by a nascent science of mind in general,and in particular by a developed science of language with a biological foundation.His humanistic principles assume that humans are biological organisms endowed with a special capacity,language,that not only distinguishes humans from other creatures,but that seems to be central to explaining our cognitive creativity and flexibility.The language faculty likelyplausibly along with an innate moral sense that demands universality of application-constitutes what is distinctive about human nature.So as a result of the work of Chomsky and others in recent years,we now have a much better grip on "what makes us human"-on what is distinctive about our natures-than was earlier possible.Earlier,the most favored explanation of our distinctiveness pointed to Reason.Now we can see that reason is common-sensical and scientific-that we can solve problems in these two ways-and that both depend heavily on language.We have a better grip on human nature.