薛金星 编
课时全练全测Unit 1 Animals on the FarmLesson 1 On the FarmLesson 2 Cats and DogsLesson 3 Fish and BirdsLesson 4 Horses and RabbitsLesson 5 Where?Lesson 6 Can I Help You?Again,Please!Unit 2 Animals at the ZooLesson 7 At the ZooLesson 8 Tigers and BearsLesson 9 How Many?Lesson 10 Where Do They Live?Lesson 11 What Do They Eat?Lesson 12 The Clever MonkeyAgain,Please!Unit 3 Food and MealsLesson 13 I’m Hungry!Lesson 14 Would You Like Some Soup?Lesson 15 What’s Your Favourite Food?Lesson 16 Breakfast,Lunch and DinnerLesson 17 What’s for Breakfast?Lesson 18 The Magic StoneAgain,Please!Unit 4 Food and RestaurantsLesson 19 I Like Fruit!Lesson 20 Hamburgers and Hot DogsLesson 21 In the RestaurantLesson 22 How Much Is It?Lesson 23 How Much Are They?Lesson 24 A Little MonkeyAgain,Please!单元全练全测第一单元全练全测第二单元全练全测第三单元全练全测第四单元全练全测归类全练全测听力语音与字母词汇句子情景交际综合全练全测期中全练全测(一)期中全练全测(二)期末全练全测(一)期末全练全测(二)听力录音原文单元全练全测归类全练全测综合全练全测答案全析全解课时全练全测答案单元全练全测答案归类全练全测答案综合全练全测答案