马德高 编
亲爱的同学,恭喜您,当您打开这本书的时候,您正在为自己的英语学习结识一个新的贴心伙伴。《高中英语听力第一教材》,将是您教材学习之外的最好选择,她将成为您考试和学习中练习听力、提高听力的最好帮手。 听力,一直是高中英语教学的重要环节和重要内容。《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》(下称《课程标准》)中明确规定,高中英语教学的目的是“巩固、扩大基础,发展听、说、读、写的基本技能,提高初步运用英语进行交际的能力”。在语言的交际活动中,四种技能相辅相成,缺一不可,但比较而言,“听”作为人们进行言语交际的手段之一,在日常生活中使用更为广泛,是“说、读、写”的前提和基础,听的技能提高了,其他的技能就会随之得到提高,交流就会更加顺畅。因此,在近几年的高中英语教学中加强学生的听力训练、提高学生的英语听力水平已成为一种趋势,成为广大师生追求的目标之一。 与此同时,听力也是高考英语的一个重要考查内容,无论在全国统一命题的高考英语试卷中,还是在各省、市自主命题的高考英语试卷中,都占有相当大的比重和分值。听力,让每一个参加高考的高中生不敢稍有疏忽。 听力如此重要,然而,高中校园却普遍缺乏英语听力训练的环境,加之听力又是一项比较难于掌握的技能,因此如何提高高中生听懂英语的能力就成为广大老师、学生和家长渴望解决的大问题,也成为学校和社会普遍关注的焦点。他们迫切渴望能有一套科学、实用的教材,能有一套创新、高效的方法来帮助高中生训练听力,提高听力,给他们提供一个良好的听力学习新体系、新环境。 《高中英语听力第一教材》正是这样一套准确找出听力训练困惑、创新点拨听力训练技巧、科学构建听力训练体系、快速提高听力训练效率的听力学习材料,与高一、高二、高三各年级阶段课标要求完全一致。每一分册按《课程标准》规定的该年级需要掌握的功能意念(话题)项目设置单元,每一单元对某一功能意念(话题)项目进行了专门训练。
《星火英语·高中英语听力第一教材(高2)》准确找出听力训练困惑、创新点拨听力训练技巧、科学构建听力训练体系、快速提高听力训练效率的听力学习材料,与高一、高二、高三各年级阶段课标要求完全一致。每一分册按《课程标准》规定的该年级需要掌握的功能意念(话题)项目设置单元,每一单元对某一功能意念(话题)项目进行了专门训练。 打破了以往听力训练类图书的传统编写思路,不是采用单纯增加同步训练与测试的办法,也不是采用单纯增加模拟题的办法,而是结合不同年级的《课程标准》要求,遵循循序渐进的原则,将《课程标准》中规定的所有功能意念项目和话题项目进行科学合理的分类,编写成独立的单元,每一单元针对某一项目进行基础与提高互动结合的有效训练。一方面避免了与课本同步所产生的内容重复、无新鲜感等弊端,可以调动学生的学习兴趣;另一方面突破了普通同步听力训练类图书的地域限制和教材版本限制,完全适用于不同地域、使用不同版本教材的学生。
第一章 功能意念项目听力训练UNIT 1 Asking for permission&Offering help请求允许与提供帮助黄金表达热身练习真题体验专项练习UNIT 2 Asking the way&Shopping问路与购物黄金表达热身练习真题体验专项练习UNIT 3 Making telephone calls&Language difficulties in communication打电话与语言交际困难黄金表达热身练习真题体验专项练习UNIT 4 Reminding&Making appointments提醒注意与约会黄金表达热身练习真题体验专项练习UNIT 5 Likes and dislikes&Preference好恶与偏爱黄金表达热身练习真题体验专项练习UNIT 6 Certainty and uncertainty&Possibility and impossibility肯定和不肯定,可能和不可能黄金表达热身练习真题体验专项练习UNIT 7 Worries &Apologies忧虑与道歉黄金表达热身练习真题体验专项练习UNIT 8 Intentions and plans& Agreement and disagreement意愿和打算,同意和不同意黄金表达热身练习真题体验专项练习UNIT 9 Blame and complaint &Comparison责备和抱怨,比较黄金表达热身练习真题体验专项练习UNIT 10 Occupation &Ability and inability职业,能够和不能够黄金表达热身练习真题体验专项练习第二章 听力原文与答案速杏Unit 1 Asking for permission &Offering help请求允许与提供帮助Unit 2 Asking the way& Shopping问路与购物Unit 3 Making telephone calls& Language difficulties in communication打电话与语言交际困难Unit 4 Reminding& Making appointments提醒注意与约会Unit 5 Likes and dislikes& Preference好恶与偏爱Unit 6 Certainty and uncertainty 8L Possibility and impossibility肯定和不肯定,可能和不可能Unit 7 Worries& Apologies忧虑与道歉96Unit 8 Intentions and plans &Agreement and disagreement意愿和打算,同意和不同意Unit 9 Blame and complaint&Comparison责备和抱怨,比较Unit 10 Occupation &Ability and inability职业,能够和不能够答案速查
at the party. And you can tell me what books you plan to buy. I can buy them tomorrow.W. My God. Another party! I can never spare some time for my son. Im worried whether he re-members Im his mother. OK, thanks anyway. I will buy the books myself tomorrow .M: Sorry to tell you but I have to remind that you will have a meeting in Washington about the agreement tomorrow. Text 8 W: Bob, did you remember to bring back that book I lent you? M: Oh, Kate! Im sorry. I completely forgot! W: Thats OK. But if you could just bring it tomorrow, Id appreciate it. M: Sure. Im really sorry!I have finished reading it. Its really a good book, W: So I want to choose some stories from the book for my cousins. M: Your cousins? You mean you will look after children at home? W: Right, my aunt asks me to look after his two sons this weekend. M: How old are they? I remember you said they are twins. W: Right, they are 8. They like listening to stones best. Text 9 M: Hi, Mary, this is David speaking. W: Hi, David, anything I can do for you? M: Right, you guessed it. I want to ask you to help me. W: You can tell me on the phone what I can do for you. M. But Ill have to meet you before I go on vacation next week. W: I see. You want to ask me to look after your house? M: Especially my dog and cat!I have just bought a duck, you know, W: My God. You are making your house a zoo. M: Right. Im considering buying some chickens. W. Good idea. Ill be glad to look after your pets. M: What about having supper together after work? W. But I have a meeting tonight. M: What about the day after tomorrow then? W. All right, then. Ill see you at noon on Wednesday, Text 10 It was a sunny day. @Suddenly, a deer ran into the courtyard of a house, where a little boy was playing. The deer caught the boys clothing with its antlers. This frightened the boy into crying. His mother went out of house only to see the deer running toward the mountains with her son. She ran after the deer as fast as possible, but not too far away, she found her son sitting safely on the grass. When he saw mother coming, he laughed. She hurried back home with her sore When she got there, she couldnt believe her eyes. @The big tree in the back of their house had fallen while she was outrunning after her son. The whole house was ruined. The chickens and dogs were all dead. Luckily she and her son hadnt been home. Then the mother remembered about a year before when a deer escaping a hunter had run into her house. She felt sorry for the poor, frightened deer, so she covered it with some clothes until the hunter was far away. She ,let it return to the forest. She knew the deer came back to show its thankfulness today.