上海世博会事务协调局 编
The World Exposition Shanghai China2010 is yet another mega event hosted by China following the Beijing Olympics. It attracts the greatest number of participants in the history of the World Exposition. By March 25, 2010, 242 countries and international organizations have confirmed their participation.The Expo is themed on "Better City, Better Life", the first time for a World Exposition tofocus on the issue of city. Centering aroundthe theme, participants from all over the world will stage exhibitions, events and forums to discuss the development of cities, offer their visions for the future, and promote understanding, communication and cooperation between nations and between cultures.Expo 2010 is to be held in a downtown area between Nanpu Bridge and Lupu Bridge along Huangpu River. It has a total area of 5.28 square kilometers, and tickets are required for admission to the enclosed area of 3.28 square kilometers. Out of the five zones in the enclosed area, Zones A, B and C are in Pudong, and D and E in Puxi.Exhibitions, events and forums are three core components of the Expo. Theme pavilions, national pavilions, pavilions of international organizations and corporate pavilions are built by the Expo Organizer or participants who will stage exhibitions in these buildings based on their own cultural background and exploration of the theme.During the Expo, about 20000 performances will be given. These amazing events, sponsored by the Organizer or participants, also provide interesting interpretations of the theme.Forums, which deal with the Expo theme most directly, are always a central part of Expo legacy and an important platform to look into the future. A Summit Forum together with a series of theme forums and public forums were and will be staged before or after the opening ceremony of Expo 2010.Besides these core components, Expo 2010 also introduces, for the first time in the history of the World Exposition, two great innovations, i.e., UBPA and Expo Shanghai Online.Expo 2010 is expected to produce a positive effect in the development of the world's cities and contribute greatly to the sustainable development of human societies.Let's wish Expo 2010 Shanghai China a great success.
2010年5月1日至10月31日,中国2010年上海世博会将于上海市中心的黄浦江两岸,南浦大桥和卢浦大桥之间的滨江地区举办。截至2009年9月23日,确认参展的国家和国际组织达242个。 这是第一次在发展中国家举办的世博会。 这还是第一次以“城市”为主题,探讨人类城市生活的盛会。 这更是一曲以创新和融合为主旋律的交响乐;将成为人类文明的一次精彩对话。 中国出版集团东方出版中心即将推出的《中国2010年上海世博会》官方图册,则是一本“唯一官方授权出版,全景式、全方位记录上海世博会,独家领先呈现千余张展览馆最佳角度、高清晰图片”的图文书。该书由上海世博局精心编撰,全面、系统、真实地记录2010年上海世博会: 图文并茂,图书主体“展览”部分聚焦世博会“城市”主题,旨在完美传达近200个国家展馆和50多个国际组织展馆、18个企业展馆对“城市”的各种理解,展示城市发展的各种可能。书中既有精炼的文字对各参展方的参展主题、展览内容、展览方式、展览亮点、展览活动、展览创意、文化内涵等加以精彩解说,又有相应的设计图、效果图以及实景图从各方面加以直观说明;给读者带来思想和视觉上的双重冲击,拓展人们对于城市的想象空间。 世博概况、活动、论坛以及上海世博会的两大创新、世博园区景观介绍等内容,则引领读者全方位接触世博会,了解上海世博会的独特创意,分享“世博嘉年华”的喜悦,领略世博参与者的风采,享受世界多样化文明的盛宴。 《中国2010年上海世博会官方图册》具有权威性、可读性、观赏性、纪念性和收藏性,是馈赠参展、观展嘉宾的最佳选择,也是世界各地的读者了解上海世博会的最佳渠道。
Theme Pavilions Urbanian Pavilion Pavilion of City Being Pavilion of Urban Planet Pavilion of Footprint Pavilion of FuturePavilions in Zone A China Pavilion Asia Joint Pavilion I Bangladesh Pavilion Kyrgyzstan Pavilion Maldives Pavilion Mongolia Pavilion Tajikistan Pavilion Timor-Leste Pavilion Asia Joint Pavilion II Afghanistan Pavilion Bahrain Pavilion Jordan Pavilion Palestine Pavilion Syria Pavilion Yemen Pavilion Asia Joint Pavilion III Laos Pavilion Myanmar Pavilion Chinese Provinces Joint Pavilion Beijing Pavilion Tianjin Pavilion Hebei Pavilion Shanxi Pavilion Inner Mongolia Pavilion Liaoning Pavilion Jilin Pavilion Heilongjiang Pavilion Jiangsu Pavilion Zhejiang Pavilion Anhui Pavilion Fujian Pavilion Jiangxi Pavilion Shandong Pavilion Henan Pavilion Hubei Pavilion Hunan Pavilion Guangdong Pavilion Guangxi Pavilion Hainan Pavilion Chongqing Pavilion Sichuan Pavilion Guizhou Pavilion Yunnan Pavilion Tibet Pavilion Shaanxi Pavilion Gansu Pavilion Qinghai Pavilion Ningxia Pavilion Xinjiang Pavilion Shanghai Pavilion Democratic People's Republic of Korea Pavilion Hong Kong Pavilion India Pavilion Iran Pavilion Israel Pavilion Japan Pavilion Kazakhstan Pavilion……Pavilions in Zone CPavilions in Zone DEventsForumsLandmarksServicesExpo SHanghai OnlinePublisher's Notes
插图:Expo 2010 has five theme pavilions, namely, Urbanian, City Being, Urban Planet, Footprint and Future.They are the core pavilions in developing the theme "Better City, Better Life". By employing state-of-the-art exhibition technologies and in a visually compelling way, exhibitions in these pavilions show humanity, the city and the earth as an organic whole, and reveal the keys in bringing a better city and better life.Urbanian Pavilion, Pavilion of City Being and Pavilion of Urban Planet are housed in the Theme Pavilion building in Zone B. Designers of the building, one of the Expo landmarks, have found inspiration in paper folding. As an attractive design feature, the roof imitates the dormer window that is often seen in Shikumen houses (an authentically Shanghai architectural style). The western exhibition hall,spanning 180 meters north-south and 126 meters east-west, does not use a single column. During the Expo, a wide range of events and ceremonies are held in the building's three squares.The other two pavilions, Footprint and Future, are located in two modified industrial buildings in Zone D and Zone E respectively; they represent a careful consideration of environment protection and a fascinating mix of tradition and modernity.