薛金星 编
《高效学习法:8年级英语(下)(河北教育版)》特色: 词汇金钥匙:图片、歌诀、表格开启单词短语用法之门,巧妙记忆,透彻理解,达过目不忘之功效。 辨地开花:辨析同义词,巧记形近词;图文并茂,于关键处指点迷津,强化知识,提升能力。 句型剖析:分析句法结构,层层分解,细细剖析;长句化短,短句精析,句型不再难以理解。 欢乐口号:归纳典型用语,总结口语规律;轻松对话提升能力。让您说得,乐,学得开心。 短语集结号:固定短语,纺呈现,简明讲解,目了然,让您总体握单元短语。 语法加油站:梳理语法知,精讲巧练,随时为思维的列车加油,确保其穿越语法障碍。
UNIT 1 Spring is Coming!Lesson 1 What's the Weather Like?Lesson 2 It's Getting Warmer!Lesson 3 Postcards !Lesson 4 Sun Is RisingLesson 5 Fun in the SunLesson 6 Danny the BabysitterLesson 7 Danny's "Debbie" DayLesson 8 Unit Review单元综合提升单元零距漓备考单元高效训练UNIT 2 Plant a Plant !Lesson 9 How Does a Plant Grow?Lesson 10 Plant PartsLesson 11 Look after Your Plant!Lesson 12 Pretty Little PlantLesson 13 Why Are Plants Im-portant?Lesson 14 People and Plants……UNIT 3 Amazing AnimalsUNIT 4 Look into scienceUNIT 5 Go with TranspotraionUNIT 6 ConnectUNIT 7 Know our worldUNIT 8 Save our world课本习题答案答案全析全解