

Penny Ur 外语教学与研究出版社





Penny Ur  






  近年来,国际交往日益频繁,国际贸易急速发展,出现了一种前所未有的现象:学外语、教外语、用外语的人多了;研究语言学和应用语言学的人多了;开设这方面专业的高校也多了,语言学硕士生和博士生也多了。就是不以此为专业,学习语言学和应用语言学的也不乏其人。为了给从事这个专业的师生提供便利,同时又帮助一般外语教师、涉外工作者以及汉语研究者开阔思路,扩大视野,提高效率,我们献上这套内容崭新而丰富的丛书——英文版《当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库》。  文库首批推出54部外国英文原著,它覆盖了语言学与应用语言学26个分支学科。这批书是我们与各地有关专家教授反复研究之后精选出来的。出版这样大规模的语言学与应用语言学丛书,这在我国语言学界和外语教学界是破天荒第一次。  我们这样做,抱着什么希望呢?总的说来,是遵循教育部关于加强一级学科教育的指示,在世纪之交,推出一套书来给中国的外语教育领航,同时也给一般外语工作者和汉语研究者提供信息,拓宽思路。  我们希望这个文库能成为进一步带动外语教学改革和科研的发动机;我们希望它能成为运载当代外国语言学理论、语言研究方法和语言教学方法来到中国的特快列车;我们希望,有了这套书,语言学与应用语言学专业师生就能顺利地进行工作;我们希望,通过读这套书,青年外语教师和外语、汉语研究者能迅速把能力提高,把队伍不断扩大。  以上是我们的愿望,可是从广大读者看来,这个文库是否真的有出台的必要呢?我们想,只要大家看一下今天的客观情况,就知道这套书有填空补缺的作用,是让大家更上一层楼的扶梯。


  在编辑这个文库时,我们在两方面下了功夫。  一方面,在选书时,我们求全,求新,求有代表性和前瞻性。我们不偏爱一家之言,也不只收一家外国出版社之书。语言学与应用语言学的主干学科固然受到了应有的重视,分支学科可也不忽视。语料语言学、语言统计学是新兴学科,我们收入了专著;句法学、语义学久已有人研究,我们也找到了有关的最新著作。  另一方面,我们邀请了国内知名的博士生导师、硕士生导师为各书撰文导读,为读者铺平道路。语言学和应用语言学专著包罗宏富,初学者读起来可能觉得茫无头绪。为了助他们一臂之力,本文库中每一种书我们都请专家写了一万字左右的导读材料。哪怕书中内容比较陌生,谁只要在读书前看一下导读材料,读书后把材料再看一遍,一定能弄清脉络,掌握要点。


Units with a symbol are components of the core course; those with a symbol are optionalPreface by Halliday王宗炎序导读AcknowledgementsRead this first: To the (trainee) teacher To the trainerIntroductionPart I The teaching processModule 1: Presentations and explanationsUnit One: Effective presentationUnit Two: Examples of presentation proceduresUnit Three: Explanations and instructionsModule 2: Practice activitiesUnit One: The function of practiceUnit Two: Characteristics of a good practice activityUnit Three: Practice techniquesUnit Four: Sequence and progression in practiceModule 3: TestsUnit One: What are tests for?Unit Two: Basic concepts; the test experienceUnit Three: Types of test elicitation techniquesUnit Four: Designing a testUnit Five: Test administrationPart II Teaching the language(1)ThewhatModule 4: Teaching PronunciationUnit One: What does teaching pronunciation involve?Unit Two: Listening to accentsUnit Three: Improving learners pronunciationUnit Four: Further topics for discussionUnit Five: Pronunciation and spellingModule 5: Teaching vocabularyUnit One: What is vocabulary and what needs to be taught?Unit Two: Presenting new vocabularyUnit Three: Remembering vocabularyUnit Four: Ideas for vocabulary work in the classroomUnit Five: Testing vocabularyModule 6: Teaching grammarUnit One: What is grammar?Unit Two: The place of grammar teachingUnit Three: Grammatical termsUnit Four: Presenting and explaining grammarUnit Five: Grammar practice activitiesUnit Six: Grammatical mistakesModule 7: Topics, situations, notions, functionsUnit One: Topics and situationsUnit Two: What ARE notions and functions?Unit Three: Teaching chunks of language: from text to taskUnit Four: Teaching chunks of language: from task to textUnit Five: Combining different kinds of language segmentsPart III Teaching the language(2):ThehowModule 8: Teaching listeningUnit One: What does real-life listening involve?Unit Two: Real-life listening in the classroomUnit Three: Learner problemsUnit Four: Types of activitiesUnit Five: Adapting activitiesModule 9: Teaching speakingUnit One: Successful oral fluency practiceUnit Two: The functions of topic and taskUnit Three: Discussion activitiesUnit Four: Other kinds of spoken interactionUnit Five: Role play and related techniquesUnit Six: Oral testingModule 10: Teaching readingUnit One: How do we read?Unit Two: Beginning readingUnit Three: Types of reading activitiesUnit Four: Improving reading skillsUnit Five: Advanced readingModule 11: Teaching writingUnit One: Written versus spoken textUnit Two: Teaching proceduresUnit Three: Tasks that stimulate writingUnit Four: The process of compositionUnit Five: Giving feedback on writingPart IV Course contentModule 12: The syllabusUnit One: What is a syllabus?Unit Two: Different types of language syllabusUnit Three: Using the syllabusModule 13: MaterialsUnit One: How necessary is a coursebook?Unit Two: Coursebook assessmentUnit Three: Using a coursebookUnit Four: Supplementary materialsUnit Five: Teacher-made worksheets and workcardsModule 14: Topic contentUnit One: Different kinds of contentUnit Two: Underlying messagesUnit Three: Literature (1): should it be included in the course?Unit Four: Literature (2): teaching ideasUnit Five: Literature (3): teaching a specific textPart V LessonsModule 15: Lesson planningUnit One: What does a lesson involve?Unit Two: Lesson preparationUnit Three: Varying lesson componentsUnit Four: Evaluating lesson effectivenessUnit Five: Practical lesson managementModule 16: Classroom interactionUnit One: Patterns of classroom interactionUnit Two: QuestioningUnit Three: Group workUnit Four: IndividualizationUnit Five: The selection of appropriate activation techniquesModule 17: Giving feedbackUnit One: Different approaches to the nature and function of feedbackUnit Two: AssessmentUnit Three: Correcting mistakes in oral workUnit Four: Written feedbackUnit Five: Clarifying personal attitudesModule 18: Classroom disciplineUnit One: What is discipline?Unit Two: What does a disciplined classroom look like?Unit Three: What teacher action is conducive to a disciplined classroom?Unit Four: Dealing with discipline problemsUnit Five: Discipline problems: episodesPart VI Learner differencesModule 19: Learner motivation and interestUnit One: Motivation: some background thinkingUnit Two: The teachers responsibilityUnit Three: Extrinsic motivationUnit Four: Intrinsic motivation and interestUnit Five: Fluctuations in learner interestModule 20: Younger and older learnersUnit One: What difference does age make to language learning?Unit Two: Teaching childrenUnit Three: Teaching adolescents: student preferencesUnit Four: Teaching adults: a different relationshipModule 21: Large heterogeneous classesUnit One: Defining termsUnit Two: Problems and advantagesUnit Three: Teaching strategies (1): compulsory + optionalUnit Four: Teaching strategies (2): open-endingUnit Five: Designing your own activitiesPart VII And beyondModule 22: And beyondUnit One: Teacher development: practice, reflection, sharingUnit Two: Teacher appraisalUnit Three: Advancing further (1): intakeUnit Four: Advancing further (2): outputTrainers notesBibliographyIndex文库索引


  本部分包括第4-7章。  语言学学者通常把语言分为三个层面,即语音、词汇和语法。换个角度看,语言是个整体,用来在具体的语境里谈论某个话题(topic)或情景(sit-uation),表达一种意念(notion),或实现一种功能(function)。外语课程可以以语音、词汇和语法为主线,也可以以话题、情景、意念、功能为主线来规划教学。最有效的教学可能是把这两种思路结合在一起,通过话题和情景提供语境,在具体语境中教生词和语法,使学生学会运用已掌握的单词和语法表达意念和功能。  第4章“语音教学”由五个单元组成。第一单元讨论语音教学涵盖的内容:发音、重音、节奏、语调,以及它们在语流中的相互作用和影响。第二单元介绍鉴别外来口音的方法。在第三单元中,作者首先讨论了导致学生发错音的两个因素,进而介绍纠正语音的三个步骤和做法。作者在第四单元里提出了五个语音教学中有争议的问题,并阐明了自己的看法。第五单元讨论英语发音和英语拼写,介绍了几种作者认为行之有效的练习形式。  第5章“词汇教学”由五个单元组成。第一单元讨论词汇的定义和词汇教学涵盖哪些内容。在这里值得强调的是作者的一些看法:词汇由单词和固定的词组构成;词汇教学应涉及词的发音和拼写、词法(如词的变化形式、特有的用法等)、固定搭配、不同方面的词义(如指称义、引申义以及词的得体用法)、词义关系(如同义、反义、下义、上义等)、构词法。第二单元介绍教新单词的方法。第三单元通过试验方法探讨了记忆生词的有效方法及其对词汇教学的意义。第四单元介绍了课堂词汇练习方法。第五单元介绍了12种测试词汇的方法和作者对每个方法的评论。  第6章“语法教学”由六个单元组成。第一单元讨论了什么是语法、语法结构和语法意义。第二单元讨论语法在外语教学中的地位。作者介绍了四种看法并逐一加以评论。第三单元介绍了语法教学中常用的语法术语。第四单元探讨了如何讲授语法。作者提出了7个值得思考的问题并依此就讲授语法提供了7条指导原则。第五单元探讨语法练习,作者提供了7类练习,从以准确为目标的练习类型过渡到以流利为目标的练习类型。


  A Course in Language Teaching  Practice and Theory This comprehensive training course provides a complete introduction to teaching languages,for use in both pre-service or in-service settings. It can be used by groups of teachers working with a trainer, or as a self-study resource.The course consists of modules on key topics such as Practice Activities, Testing, Teaching Reading, Lesson Planning, Teaching Large Heterogeneous Classes - and many others. Each module presents both practical and theoretical aspects of the topic, with tasks. Modules can be used in sequence or selectively.  Suggestions for classroom observation and practice, action research projects and further reading are included. Notes for the trainer, with stimulating insights from the authorspersonal experience, complete the course.  Penny Ur is a teacher and teacher-trainer, and is the author of several successful books for teachers in the Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers series: Discussions that Work,Five-Minute Activities(with Andrew Wright),Grammar Practice Activities, and Teaching Listening Comprehension.





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