

周敏译 外语教学与研究出版社











  《英语快行线》由BBC英国广播公司和北京人民广播电台联合制作,在两台同时播出。本系列通过26个日常生活场景向学习者介绍各种生活用语,反映英国人日常生活的诸多方面。书中特别摘录了对话里的重点词句,并对相关文化背景作了简单介绍,您既可以在轻松的气氛中学习纯正的英语,又可以了解英国的社会和文化。  《英语快行线》还配有一盒磁带,精选了同名广播系列中全部由英籍演员即兴表演、现场录制的对话。  《英语快行线》适用于初级、中级英语学习者,帮助他们提高口语、听力和了解英国社会。  《英语快行线》第二集正在策划之中,不久将与听众见面。


1.见面打招呼2.个人资料(非正式场合)3.个人资料(正式场合)4.特别场合用语5.打电话 1) 工作电话6.打电话 2) 电话服务中心7.安排外出 1)电话订票8.安排外出 2)与朋友外出9.安排预约10.就餐 1)在餐厅11.就餐 2)在朋友家里12.找工作13.机器设备 1)解释如何使用一部机器14.机器设备 2)机器出故障时15.购物 1)在大百货商场16.购物 2)在一家小商店17.寻找方向 1)问路18.寻长方向 2)指路19.旅行 1)在机场20.旅行 2)在旅馆21.旅行 3)在商务中心22.旅行 4)乘出租车23.旅行 5)买火车票24.旅行 6)在邮局25.旅行 7)兑换货币26.旅行 8)观光旅游


  Conversation At A Party  Hugh welcomes Emma to an informal party.  Hugh  Emma, great to see you!  Emma Hi ...  Hugh  Thanks for coming !  Emma ... you look great!  Hugh  Come in, come in!  Emma Here we are. Look ... thats for you.  Hugh  Oh, thanks ever so much, you shouldnt have.  Emma No, its just a wee thing.  Hugh  Well, thanks very much. Would you like a drink? A  beer?  Emma No, white wine would be great, if youve got one.  Hugh White wine. OK-coming up!  Emma Oh, isnt it lovely here, look at this! Well, youve done  lots since you moved in.  Hugh  Well, yeah, we have actually. There we are -a glass of  white wine.  Emma Thank you. Cheers!  Hugh  Cheers! Great to see you! Its been a very long time!  (a little while later)  Hugh  Er ... come and have something to eat.  Emma  Oh! Look at this! This looks wonderful!  Hugh  Well, [Ive] been busy all afternoon.  Anyway ... look ... sit down!  Emma  Thank you. I am starving, Ill tell you!  Hugh  Er ... would you like some salad?  Emma  Mmm! Ill start with the salad, I think  Hugh  Lovely, and lll get you another glass of wine.  Emma  Great,great!  Hugh  Dont go away!  Emma Thanks!  Emma wants to speak to Geoffrey, but Geoffrey is not available.  Hugh Hello. Geoffreys phone.  Emma Hello. Is Geoffrey there, please?  Hugh No, lm afraid hes not. Hes in a meeting. Can I take a  message?  Emma Er ... if you could ask him to call me as soon as possible.  Er ... sorry ... Emma ... to call Emma as soon as possible,  would you?  Hugh OK. Call Emma. ASAP. Has he got your number?  Emma Er- yeah - yeah- he has. But if you could say that its  really important. I really need to speak to him within  the next ten minutes. OK?  Hugh OK, Emma. lll get Geoffrey to call you as soon as he  comes out of the meeting.  Emma Thanks. Thanks.  Hugh OK-bye.  Emma OK-bye.  电话留言  埃玛打电话找杰弗里,但他不在。  休: 您好,(您接通了)杰弗里的电话。  埃玛:您好,请问杰弗里在吗?  休:  不,恐怕他这会儿不在。他在开会,请问您要不要留个口信?  埃玛: 嗯,请您告诉他尽快给我回电话。嗯……对不起……我是埃玛……,给埃玛回电话,越快越好,好吗?  休:  好的。 给埃玛回电话。尽快!他知道你的电话号码吗?  埃玛:嗯,是的,是的,他有。但请您务必告诉他很重要。  我希望他能在十分钟之内回电话。好吗?  休: 好的,埃玛。等他一散会,我就告诉他。  埃玛:谢谢!谢谢!  休:  好,再见!  埃玛:再见!  Hugh is ordering a meal in a restaurant.  Hugh Hello, do you have a table for one, please?  Emma Yes, certainly sir. If youd like to follow me this way,  please.  Hugh Thank you. Thanks very much.  Emma Theres the menu.  Hugh Thank you.  Emma Would you like a drink, sir?  Hugh Yes please. Just ... just some sparkling mineral water.  Emma Sparkling mineral water ...  Hugh Thanks.  Emma Thank you.  (a few moments later)  Emma One sparking water.  Hugh Thanks very much.  Emma Are you ready to order?  Hugh Yeah, ! think I am actually. Could I just have the soup to  start, please- soup of the day?  Emma Thats minestrone - is that all right, sir?  Hugh Yeah. Thats fine. And for the main course, could I have  the chicken, please?  Emma ... chicken ...  Hugh ... and just some vegetables and some boiled potatoes,  please?  Emma ... boiled potatoes. OK.  Hugh Lovely.  Emma All right.  Hugh Thanks very much.  Emma OK.  餐厅里的对话  休正在餐厅点餐。  休: 你好,请问您有一个人的餐桌吗?  埃玛:是的,当然,先生。请跟我来。  休: 谢谢!非常感谢!  埃玛:这是菜单。  休: 谢谢!  埃玛:您想喝点什么,先生?  休: 是的,来一点儿带汽的矿泉水就可以了。  埃玛:矿泉汽水。  休: 谢谢!  埃玛:谢谢!  (过了一会儿)  埃玛:一份带汽的矿泉水。  休:  谢谢!  埃玛:您现在可以点菜吗?  休: 是的,可以。请先给我来一份例汤,好吗——今日的例汤是什么?  埃玛:是意大利蔬菜汤,可以吗?  休: 可以。好的……至于主菜,请给我一份鸡肉,好吗?  埃玛:……鸡肉……  休:  再来一点蔬菜和煮土豆。  埃玛:……煮土豆。好的。  休:  太好了。  埃玛: 好的。  休:  谢谢!  埃玛: 好的。  ……


  出版前言  《英语快行线》是北京人民广播电台同BBC英国广播公司联合制作的一部全新英语教学节目。节目由BBC整体策划,而在制作的各个环节中,北京人民广播电台的工作人员都积极参与,并远赴伦敦合作录制。这一广播系列会在两台同时开播。现在推出的这本配套教材由北京外语教学与研究出版社协怍编排。  《英语快行线》包括26个生活场景,反映了人们日常生活的诸多方面。书中所包括的全部对话都是由英籍演员即兴表演,现场录制的,旨在向学习者全面展示英语语言在实际生活中的运用。为方便大家学习,编者特别摘录了对话中的重点词句,并在注释里连同相关的文化背景加以简单介绍。学习者既可以在轻松愉快的气氛中学习纯正的英语,又可以接触了解英国的社会和文化。  《英语快行线》适用于英语初级学习者,以及英语中级水平,希望提高口语、听力和了解英国社会的学习者。如果您对这套节目有任何意见和建议,或要了解更多教学节目,欢迎给我们来信。BBC英语教学部的伦敦地址是:LearningEnglish,BBC World Service,Bush House,Strand,London WC2B 4PH,UK。也可寄往BBC在北京邮政信箱:若欲索取有关BBC英语教学节目的电子信息,




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