

韩宝成 外语教学与研究出版社









本书由国外编写英语教材的专业作者和国内英语测试专家按照中考对阅读技能的要求精心编写,供初三学生自读自测使用。本书也可作为中考阅读教材及强化训练之用,能够帮助学生全面提高英语阅读理解能力和应试技能。  本书具有以下特色:  材料新颖,语言精确地道。  文章题材丰富,体裁多样,符合中考命题趋势。  紧扣初中英语教学大纲,并从中考要求出发,具有很强的针对性和实用性。  题型设计活泼多样,符合中考要求。  配有精美的插图,趣味性强。  本书适用于初中三年级学生使用。


Module 1 Unit 1 Temba Tsheri Unit 2 An amazing brain Unit 3 Share your ideas and experiences! Unit 4 Does reading really motteCModule 2 Unit 1 The greatest in the world Unit 2 Eurostar Unit 3 Salisbury Plain Unit 4 Young novelistModule 3 Unit 1 Hunters18 Unit 2 The race to the Moon  Unit 3 A trip to Disneyland Unit 4 VancouverModule 4 Unit 1 Food In space26 Unit 2 Sebastian Clover  Unit 3 On two wheels in a green land  Unit 4 Giant squid Module 5 Unit 1 Mobile dangers Unit 2 The Bermuda Triangle Unit 3 Animal senses Unit 4 Understanding the hUnan body Module 6 Unit 1 The yeti  Unit 2 The rea0 Robinson Crusoe Unit 3 Working together  Unit 4 The Pharaonic Village Module 7 Unit 1 Atlantis  Unit 2 Tom's diary  Unit 3“Strange“food  Unit 4 Gold Module 8 Unit 1 TV guide  Unit 2 Jullane Koepke  Unit 3 E0 Dorado  Unit 4 Footbal0 Module 9 Unit 1 Come to the wh8te House Hotel!  Unit 2 Languages around the world  Unit 3 The Mary Celeste  Unit 4 The English dictionary Module 10 Unit 1 New Line Cinema  Unit 2 The tomb of TutankhamUn Unit 3 rm 8n London now,  Unit 4 PompeiiModule 11Module 12Module 13Module 14Module 15Module 16Module 17Module 18Module 19Module 20Answer key


  Britain is a land of unexplained mysteries. Everywhere you go you hear stories of strange happenings in unusual places. Take Wiltshire, for example, an area in southern England, where Stonehenge is found. Stonehenge is a huge circle of stones thousands of years old in the middle of a large flat area of land called Salisbury Plain. The stone circle is older than the Egyptian pyramids, but no one knows how or why the stones got there. Salisbury Plain is also famous for hundreds of strange crop circles. Crop circles are very large circles which appear in the middle of fields during the night. There are similar circles in the nearby county of Hampshire, as well as in North and South America and Australia. Some experts believe that people make crop circles for a joke, but no one is quite sure. However, what happened one cloudy October morning in 1987 over Salisbury Plain was far from a joke. A fighter plane was flying over the plain near Boscombe Down, an important airfield used by the army. The pilot of the plane was in radio communication with the airfield. Suddenly, while the pilot was giving information about his height and speed, the airfield lost all communication with the plane.




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